Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Sugar Cookie Explosion!


This afternoon, I decided that when life (or more accurately, toddler insubordination) gives you lemons, make sugar cookies.


It was another less-than-stellar day overall, but I must say that my tactic of just rolling with it and letting the fun and flour fly totally helped to push my frustrations to the background.

And why not give insane-in-the-membrane children bucketfuls of sugar???

It’s a win/win.

Last disclaimer that’s needed before I just let the pictures say it all: sugar cookies are kind of a big deal in my family. The recipe and the love began with my paternal grandmother and the tradition continues strong.

The thickness of the rolled cookie is paramount. The amount of flour whilst rolling is make-or-break. And the icing...well, we don’t do decorations. Just pure icing, no sprinkles or fancies. (Though I’m gonna screw that tradition for a few cookies tomorrow, ha.).

So it was a pure joy to not even try to contain the mess today and just let my crazy kiddos go nuts.

And we had a (yummy) blast. 

His reaction when I told him he had to stop eating the dough:

Okay, so I have a new iPhone and I’m playing around with the portrait mode for pics and I’m loving the results (when I manage to get the shot in focus, ha). It adds such lovely depth and details. Just a cut above other settings.

It’ll take awhile to figure out when to use and more importantly, what edits I can/cannot make post-shot, but it’s soooo fun to play.

And in case you haven’t noticed, pictures of my kiddos are m’life.


Now here’s an example of a failure to focus when in portrait mode:

So you see how the portrait mode can be totally worth it if you get it right, but if you don’t, you’ve lost the shot.

When I asked him where his cookies were...(hint: his belly):

Grateful for the chance to end the day on a wonderfully high note.

Grateful for these three rascals, even when they’re being especially rascally.

And grateful for this beautiful season, and the chance to enjoy a special tradition amidst the busyness.


Over and out.

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