Saturday, December 2, 2017

Thanksgiving Ice Skating


My people.


Tonight, to cap off this loverly Saturday, I’m gonna attempt to finally wrap up the recap of our Thanksgiving activities.

And this next-to-last installment is...

Ice skating!

Last year’s inaugural skate over Christmas left such an impression on the kiddos, they were dying to go again.

So we made a trip to the ice arena just down the road, and worked on our skills.

Now, this was Chica last year:

So cute I wanna pinch those dang cheeks!

And here she was this year:

Still cheek-pinch-inducing cuteness!

She was a rockstar again, with the sturdy assistance of her skate buddies. She had a blast. :)

And here’s my adorable stinking Chicklet last year:

That would be a mini-meltdown she was having on the ice. She was a wee bit frustrated she couldn’t just skate on her own, ha.

So this year, I was wildly tickled when she was super eager to skate and did such a great job!

And last, but not least, here was my Little Man last year:

I mean, can I get an awwwww over that tiny totness, and how cute he was just playing around on the bleachers. 

So imagine my shock when he was all laced up and ready to roll this year!

I mean, could he be any cuter???

Of course, he only enjoyed one lap around the ice, before enjoying...snacks. ;)

Love that kid and his stinking adorable hat.

Mama even got out on the ice this year, upon Chicklet’s insistence. And managed not to break anything, ha.

It was another successful round of skating fun, and I’m sensing an annual tradition developing.


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