Thursday, January 4, 2018

Indoor Pool Fun

So, it started like another other non-school day...

My beautiful babies coloring at their table (hello new playroom art prints; more on that in a later post!).


More epic FUN was just around the corner. And my inspiration for matching the excitement of the indoor play place outing came from a random Target purchase I made on Monday.

I give you, our first swim suits of season:

Is January 2nd too early for swim gear??? (Please say no, please say no, ha.)

Since watching The Little Mermaid a couple weeks ago, Chicklet’s been diving off furniture and “swimming” along the ground all the time.

So when I saw these mermaid cover-up skirts at Target, I said, yaaaaaaas. And snatched them up for the girlies. Stat.

Along with a more conservative bathing suit that I knew Daddy would appreciate more than a bikini top, hehe.

Naturally, having swim gear in the house must have stirred up my brain juices (technical term) because today, I decided our epic adventure would be a visit to the indoor pool. Woohoo!

Again, to say the kiddos were excited would be the understatement of he century.

Now, if that’s not a hilarious motley crew, I don’t know what is!

And to say it’s a bit complicated to “suit” up during Winter is also an understatement. And a fashion faux paus, ha.

Yup. That’s my swim skirt flipped up and over m’pants. Classy.

Now, I’m sorry to report that we had a painful meltdown right after this shot, when we walked inside and realized we couldn’t, in fact, swim for another hour. (Communication error from a staff member I spoke with yesterday.)

There were tears. Oh so many tears.

And hilariously, Little Man (who was holding my phone) snapped this sad but also kind of funny and accurate shot to prove it.


We soldiered on with an errand and a snack, and survived (barely)!

And the excitement was still there when we returned.

Now, I’m not gonna lie—this outing and all the gear it entailed was more work that yesterday’s climbing fun. But the kiddos’ smiles were just as big, so it was worth it (for this special ocassion, ha)!

Yes, yes, Chicklet had a floatie, too. Just not in this picture.

So another day, another success!

And tomorrow, I think we might round things out with a trip to the movie theater. If I can swing it solo, ha.

And then, this girlie better go back to school, or Mama’s gonna collapse, ha.

Love my babies.

Love this special time.


Over and out.

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