Saturday, January 6, 2018

Snack—I Mean, Movie Outing

So, we completed our week of holiday break fun with the last of our out-of-the-ordinary outings.

A trip to the movie theater!

Now, I’m not gonna lie, I was most nervous about this one, because, let’s face it, three kiddos ages five and under aren’t necessarily the easiest to wrangle in a dark, quite theater for a couple of hours. On my own. 


I counted on a couple things:

1. A 10:50 a.m. showing for a family film was sure to be friendly territory.

2. Snacks (and by that, I mean sugar, with a side of sugar, and a small side of popcorn) can go a long way to keep wiggly worm toddlers near their seats.

I’m sooooo thrilled to report that it was a wonderful success! These buggers did great. :)

We made it through the whole movie (Ferdinand; we love the book and it was a cute, loose adaptation.) 

And. The very best part: we ended up in this awesomesauce theater called Camp Cinemark, that’s apparently a totally family-oriented theater, set up to mimic a camp site.

There were string lights on the ceilings, wooden trees on the walls, ropes on the aisles, and carpet that looked like planks of wood. And, for those genius families who arrived first to call dibs, there were giant mattress-like/sleeping bag kind of cushions at the front of the theater to lounge on for the show.

Oh, and there was even an interior alcove within the theater that had some small tables set up for coloring, and an unobtrusive touch screen for some interactive games.

We didn’t need to take advantage of it yesterday, but it would be a ridiculously blessed place to take the youngest, squirmiest kiddo for a few minutes mid-show if they needed a little breather. Genius idea.

As it was, I just let Little Man play some games on my phone a couple times when he needed a diversion, since we weren’t seated near anybody we might bother. He always played a bit and then returned his attention to the screen, which is just great for his age.

It really was fun, and the girlies felt so special with their goodies and big-girl seats.

It really was so fun and and an unexpectedly great environment that I will always try to catch our showings in this particular theater from here to forever and ever.

So, thus endeth a fantastic holiday break week to kick of January. Such fun we had breaking up the routine and making some memories.

And now, we’re soaking in the rest of the weekend before all turns normal.

Happy Saturday, peeps!

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