Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Rain, Rain, Come & Stay...

So, it’s pretty much been raining for 24 hours straight, with a steady onslaught continuing as I type, and no end in sight for the remainder of the week.

Am I’m not gonna lie—I don’t hate it.

Of course, without a doubt, I don’t want flooding to cause damage to anyone or anything. But a healthy, steady stream (pun?) of rainy days does my body good for two main reasons:

1. I have light-induced migraines so gloomy days (in moderation) are my friend.

2. It makes Spring feel imminent.

Oh, and I just plain like the rain (and thunderstorms that are moderate and unharmful to humans or objects). And apparently rly my kiddos tend to agree, because this afternoon, we reworked the traditional song to our own liking:

Rain, rain, come and stay. Play with us a few more days.


So, in summary: rain, we likee (for now).

The only thing I no likee (and even this can be turned into an adventure): picking up Chica by foot from the kindergarten door—as is our routine—when it’s pouring.

Luckily, I just bought and/or ordered new, properly fitting rain boots for all kiddos, to arrive mañana. And, you pretty much stick an umbrella in any tiny tot’s hand, and they’re gonna be pretty freaking happy.

And adorable.

It hurts my obsessive tendencies that none of our umbrellas match in size, pattern or sturdiness—and that two out of three are broken—so I might have to remedy that soon. Because I know we’ve gotten our money’s worth out of our rain boots the past few years, and I have a feeling the same will hold true for our umbrellas with a daily school pick-up on tap.

And now, last but certainly not least in the happy rainy day report...this afternoon, when a renewed downpour began, the kiddos hauled chairs to the playroom window and watched for lightning and then waited for the answering thunder. Whilst eating popcorn.

I mean, could they be any cuter???

I may or may not have pretended the cable was out indefinitely from storm, just so we could enjoy this kind of simple pleasure.

‘Cause I’m pretty sure that, come their teen years, the thunder won’t be as exciting.

But hey, I can hope (and hope and hope and hope).

And in the meantime, I’ll just enjoy their joy of the show.

Over and out, peeps.

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