Friday, February 23, 2018

Rainy Lazy Dayze

So...I’d love to say these are my two youngest babies at 7:50 a.m., after Chica’s school drop off:

But, nope.

That would be our noontime attire.

Pretty much all week.

Pajamas, and rain boots and lazy, lazy lazies.

Though, for the record, they were game for any and all manual labor in this 2.5-minute window of misting-not-downpour.

I mean, could it be any cuter that their pjs actually match their new rain boots perfectly?

Also, for the record, we may have been rocking a lazy vibe all week, but we also tossed in plenty of diversions, made possible by the gloom and dreary and sheets of pouring rain.

I love it when we get to bust out random toys and games that are packed away for exactly this kind of day.


And now, two last noteworthy items for this first uber-rainy week of almost-Spring:

1. For some reason, because of the gloom and gray and cocooned feeling of the week, it has been super-duper hard for me to have Chica away from us at school.

Her absence from our household nest when it’s so stormy and we’re so hunkered down just feels wrong. So I’ve missed my eldest something fierce this week, and I’m soooo happy it’s the weekend so we can all be reunited.

2. And last, but certainly not least—Chicklet had a major, ahem, potty victory yesterday on something she’s, ahem, still attempting to boycott. And I snort-laughed tonight when I looked through my photos and saw the selfie she snapped while she was taking care of business (because I’d bribed her with my phone to get her to sit long enough, ha).

For the record she was just using that training potty as a stool. And also for the record, I adore that she was wearing her new rain boots (that hadn’t been outside in the rain and mud yet). And I luuuuurv so much that they’re on the wrong feet.

Okay, so that pretty much sums up our rainy week.

I’m wildly, inconceivably exhausted. Likes eyes burning tired. So I’m hoping for some lovely shut-eye and happy family time this weekend.

Happy Friday!

Over and out.

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