Saturday, March 24, 2018

Chicklet’s 4th Birthday—Decorations!

This lovey little lady right here, who I love to bits and pieces and bits (and then more pieces!) is turning FOUR YEARS OLD!

(That was her yesterday at kindergarten pick-up/playground time and I’ll post more pictures of her in that tree later, because she was breathtakingly beautiful.)

Now. Chicklet’s official birthday is in six days, but that’s Easter weekend, and we’ll be traveling, so we decided to do things up right today as a little five-some, before we have a chance next weekend to celebrate with the whole familia gang.

And the theme for this year—as suggested by Mama, decided upon by the kiddos, and ratified by Chicklet in enthusiastic agreement—was...mermaids!

It’s become a crazy-fun tradition for us to really do the decorations up right in the dining room—regardless of a small family celebration or a hoard of tiny tots in the casa. And I just love that the kiddos have come to expect and eagerly anticipate their special decor.

Not gonna lie—it takes some planning and grunt work the night before, but it is totally worth it. It’s like getting to play Santa several times a year, hehe.

It’s always hard to take pictures in evening lighting but here are a few from last night behind the scenes of the magic. ;)

And here’s one in the light of morning. :)

Birthday girl was greeted with a balloon as a wake-up call...

And was chomping at the bit to get downstairs to the fun!

I mean, who doesn’t love a giant, indoor float??

And mermaid tail blankets! (One for each kiddos to prevent rioting.)

Chicklet’s been obsessed with the idea of a skateboard for a long time, so even though she can’t really ride one yet, a skateboard she got!

And a fun car-launching PJMasks toy that Daddy excellently selected.

And a fishing game to replace the one they loved that died last year. This one is a deluxe edition—wohoo!

I’m pretty sure our girl felt happy and special, and that’s the whole dang point!

We’ve got a lot more celebrating to do of this crazy amazing, insanely-loved little lady. But the fun will keep us busy, and then we have some fun company in town tomorrow, so...more when I’m able!

Happy Chicklet’s Birthday Weekend!

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