Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Weekend—2018!

Oh my goodness, what a weekend to wrap up a handful of crazy-busy weeks! I never thought I’d say this, but I’m sort of looking forward to tomorrow’s Monday status, because it might mean the return to a slightly slower pace, ha.

That said—we’ve had so much fun on our OKC/Tulsa tour o’ family, and really packed a ton into this holiday weekend, thanks to the extra day for travel and activity. It seriously caps off a busy early springtime fun us, and I fell like we’ll now be settling into the downhill slide toward the end of the school year before summer (summer?!) hits.

I’d love to type a bunch about all these pics, but my exhaustion has grown its own exhaustion, and that exhaustion-on-top-of-exhaustion double whammy makes even my typing fingers wanna go to sleep. So I’ll just post and trust you can get the gist of it all.

Hint: we had zoo time, cousin time, Easter brunch/family time.

Some of the pics are out of weekend order, and gosh darn it, we had a wonderful time at the Science Museum in OKC on Friday, but the dark lighting in tons o’ the exhibits meant I left with hardly any viable pictures. :( Boooo.

But I think it’s easy to see we had lots of fun and activity, and my babies should sleep super well tonight after such a happy weekend.

Oh—and I almost forgot the most important event of all (safe for the resurrection of Jesus, of course): my trio successfully made it through an entire 90-minute Easter church service in the front pew of the sanctuary, without having to be hauled out.

Now that’s an Easter miracle if ever I’ve heard one!

And I particularly enjoyed the hilariousness of Chicklet sitting near the altar for the children’s message whilst waving, giving many thumbs-up signs, and whispering in not-really-a-whisper, “Jesus died.” Ha. I love it.

Grateful for a happy weekend, and I’m hoping (fingers and toes crossed) for a good night’s sleep!

Happy Easter, peeps!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Cool enough! Easter festival is mine favorite as well. Pictures are really very amazing. Now heading towards New Year party preparations. Came to know about various event venue from online searching and hired the one we got on affordable prices. Dinner and late night party fun will be pretty frolic. Drinks and cup cakes are also ordered.
