Monday, April 2, 2018

Disk Launcher!

So, m’peeps.

We were back at it today.

The normal. The school. The everyday. The routine.

It’s been a super fun and zany six weeks or so, but I must admit, I’m looking forward to a bit of low key in April (at least comparatively speaking).

And nothin’ helps me feel more normal and back into the swing of things than a good ole’ project.

Hilariously, we’ve got oodles of projects at our disposal—including, but not limited to—a half-a-dozen of our beloved Kiwi Crates.

I mean, how did life get so crazy that we ended up with a backlog of our favorites???

I mean, I know a few were put on the back burner in favor of more timely, seasonal projects. But still.

Never fear, though.  We’re gonna rectify the situation in the coming weeks. Starting with today’s super fun Disk Launcher!

As with a bunch of our super fun Kiwi Crates, the real excitement comes when we get to test them out and really play.

And this was no exception.

We moved over to the upstairs landing to get lots of space and just went nuts. It was so fun and the kiddos were totally into it, ha. 

Little Man even demanded my phone to take a picture from his catching post, hehe.

This one was seriously simple and fun, and I so wish I had pics of Chicklet bursting with excitement when Daddy came home and she got to show of. 

All in an afternoon’s fun.

Which was so needed, btw, because my poor Little Man is sick (low grade fever, and an abundance of snot and congestion). It was terrible hauling him out of his sound nap time sleep for school pickup. Oye, that hurt. I felt soooo bad for him.

So here’s hoping for better heath but same kind of playtime mañana.

Happy Back To Normal Monday!

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