Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Lucky 13

This beautiful, little, four-year-old nugget o’ mine was wiped coming off the weekend.

But you see that lovely, mischievous smile she’s sporting? That’s all thanks to a gooooood night’s sleep.

Because last night, I listened to my Mama gut and got her to bed early, and she was sound asleep at 6:48 p.m.

And slept a whopping 13 hours straight (thank you, Daddy, for driving Chica to school), and greeted the day like a whole new kiddo.

(A whole new kiddo wearing a whole new romper that makes me die.)

That face. That smile. My heart. It is weak.

So grateful for happier, slightly healthier babies today. And a good dentist report for Chica. :) Oh, and grcoeries, so we don’t starve.

Over and out.

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