Thursday, April 5, 2018

Adventure Packs

So...for Easter, I was trying to think of something fun to get the kiddos, and remembered this idea I once jotted down of some explorer supplies (inspired by an awesomesauce themed gift a friend told me about once).

I found these packs online that were super lightweight and filled with a handful of great tools: a compass, binoculars, a magnifying glass, a special flashlight and a whistle.

Naturally, I didn’t stop there with just the obvious fun stuff. Oh, nohooo. I tortured myself by buying several packs of fake bugs. That are now all over m’house.

But. It’s all good, because the kiddos are happy. And we took the packs for an outdoor spin this afternoon to our favorite wildlife sanctuary (minus our favorite dinosaurs, who are gone for he Spring/Summer).

My Chicklet has started to show a bit of a reserved stage that I should have seen coming when she was a no-go for the scary Disney rides.

She’s being a bit more conservative and is sticking a bit closer to me at times—even asking to hold my hand (which is something she doesn’t normally do, because it holds her back, ha). I’ll have to noodle on it more and post thoughts later, but I’m always so fascinated to see my beautiful tiny ones growing and changing in soooo many ways.

It really was a great afternoon outing, and I’m so glad I went for it (despite some less-than-stellar kiddos attitudes before we headed out there).

Perhaps a lesson that fresh air cures a lot of ails?

Even cranky ‘tudes? Ha.

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

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