Friday, April 6, 2018

Nothing A Little Daddy Time Can’t Fix

Praise the heavens, hallelujah, we made it to Friday!

Not gonna lie—this was a great week where we packed in a lot of activities and outings and projects and play (making up for my total crap previous week when I was swamped with errands and packing prep and so, so, so bone weary tired).


Even when it’s a great week, it’s hard.

Like, super duper, really, really hard sometimes (as any parent knows!). And poor Daddy was working like a maniac this week and barely home.

So I was totally and completely pumped about his early arrival home this afternoon. But Chicklet was even more so. :)

Poor girl had her four-year-old checkup today and she got a glowing report on all fronts (78th percentile in height this time; tallest she’s ever been!) and charmed the doc with her enthusiasm and commentary, but...darn those shots. :(

She took it pretty dang hard, and it caused her a lot of pain (on top of her somewhat tired demeanor today), so she was running on empty when Daddy arrived right before I had to pick up Chica from school.

After a bit of sobbing into his chest, “the doctor shot me!” (tehe), everything started to feel a bit better. 

And they could not have been cuter golf-watching buddies.

“Where’s the tiger?”

“There’s Tiger.”

“Is that the tiger?”


“He’s a tiger?”

“Uh huh. That’s his name, and we like him.”

“There he is!”

I mean, just a few minutes of undivided Daddy time and all was right with the world again.

On the flip side of the evening...

Chica’s been begging to have a little special, stay-up-later-than-her-siblings movie time. And though Mama and Daddy soooo wanted to clock out tonight after the long week, we were planning on watching the new Jumanji, so it was an easy night to cave and let her join for a bit.

She was so ridiculously giddy and happy and content. It was awesomesauce.

And just like Chicklet earlier in the day—just a little bit of quality Daddy time put that happy, happy, joy, joy on her face. :)

Somewhere in the middle of those two Daddy/daughter events, we made it to a yummy dinner at this newly opened gem down the street:

It was a ridiculously eventful outing—what with the tornado warning, hail, umbrellas flying across the street from a neighboring restaurant, torrential downpours (it was practically sunny when we arrived!), and a lovely bathroom meltdown and full-on screaming incident, courtesy of Chicklet, that lasted from just after appetizers to just before desserts. (Sometimes going potty is just hard.)

So, you know, just your average Friday night out.


So thank freaking heavens the food was dang good! 

Comfort cooking, indeed.

Even in stormy weather, ha.

So in case you can’t tell, I’m wildly happy it’s the weekend and I’ve got the hubby with me as parental backup. We both need som SLEEP, if possible!

Wish us luck. ;)

Happy Weekend!

Over and out. 

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