Friday, April 20, 2018

Some Renewed Superhero Love


It’s no secret that my kiddos have been obsessed with PJ Masks since its inception two years ago.

I mean, helloooo. Does everyone remember the six months of Chica’s fourth year of life that were spent in wings and/or a superhero mask??


I luuurved those days.

Just as I equally love Chicklet’s turn at the dress-up fun (at the same imaginative age, no less). And her superhero of choice had always been...Catboy.

Ironically, I think she was forced into Catboy love by her sissy, who assigned characters as she saw fit.

But the love, it has a’blossomed into the real thing. 

Especially with the onset of some new episodes the past couple of months—after a year of only reruns (which is like an eternity and beyond for tiny kiddos desperately wanting new material, ha).

Chicklet was just dying for the new episode today that had been teased for the past two weeks on the Disney Channel. I mean, her very first words out of bed yesterday morning: “is today the day?” Ha.

Thank the heavens, the day finally arrived, and the episode did not disappoint.

And Chicklet donned her gear and grabbed her figurine, and was literally shrieking as the opening credits rolled.

I mean, the cuteness.

It slays me.

And even better was the second time we watched it (and for half an hour afterward), when Chicklet re-enacted the episode by configuring her own rocket ship and handling all the difficult space maneuvers.

I mean, it was pure joy.

These kiddos, they stab me in the heart.

I hope this wild enthusiasm and superhero play hangs around forever and ever.

P.S. We totally watched a third time after school so Chica could join in on the crazy-nuts enthusiasm.


Happy Weekend, peeps!

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