Monday, May 14, 2018

Back On The (Biking) Path

So...yet another summer-is-coming piece has fallen into place for our crew:

The after-dinner family walk/bike!

Yup, peeps. It happened. Tonight.

We finished dinner—with Daddy—by six o’clock, the sun was shining, the neighborhood sidewalks were calling, so we gathered up the crazy crew for our first, official (almost) summer walk.

And it was glorious.

And just what the antsy-pants kiddos needed before bath/bed.

To be honest, it’s crazy that we haven’t commenced our family evening walks before now, but two major things have hindered our fun:

1. Daddy’s work shedule, which has been insane-in-the-membrane, not leaving an abundance of evenings when he’s home with enough spare time. Thankfully, he’s in a brief lull at the moment, so we’re gonna take full advantage.

2. We’re in a transitional bike era with the kiddos! Chica is finally in need of a bigger bike, and ready for pedals! And on the opposite end of the tiny tot spectrum—Little Man no longer tolerates sitting in the stroller, and is ready to bike. So we’re doing some bike switcheroos around our casa.

I started by switching out the seat of Chica’s balance bike to the smaller, lower one, and taking Little Man for a test spin last week. :)

He’s only a month or so younger than Chicklet was when she started on the balance bike, so I think the timing is pretty spot on.

Of course, much like the girlies when they first started out, he was far more interested in letting Mama do all the pushing work while he just went wheeeeeeee! Ha.

But it only took the girlies three or four rounds with the balance bikes before they totally got the hang of the Flinstone-like foot action that’s needed, so I know he’ll get the hang of it soon.

And in the meantime, we’ll make pit stops to play with the nature. ;)

Naturally, Daddy requested a more manly helmet for our little dude (he just borrowed sissy’s while we were testing things out, so the next stop was Tar-jay for some stylish safety gear.

I should note here that Little Man dresses himself that day, and this was the result:

Niiiice, eh? ;)

Thinking manly (for Daddy) I suggested a macho dinosaur option...

But Little Man made the wise choice of Paw Patrol. :)

And then refused to take it off for quite some time...even sporting it to the elementary school cafeteria, where we had lunch with Chica that day, ha.

At least one of the lovely admin ladies had some scissors so I could cut off the tags. ;)

Also on our trip to Tar-jay, I found a perfect next-size-up bike for Chica, that Daddy just assembled tonight.

Sadly, her birthday is at the end of June, so this would have been a prime present for her to receive then...but Daddy and I both agreed that if we wait that long, we’ll lose some of the prime, tolerable weather before it’s a holy inferno of heat here in Texas, so we want to take full advantage while we can.

So stay tuned for more walking/biking (mis)adventures, ha.

And for kicks and giggles, adore this lovely shot of my middle nugget today that I just lurv, for some reason. Expect for the part where she looks so, darn, old! STOP GROWING!

Over and out, peeps.

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