Thursday, May 17, 2018


Oh my goodness, Chica came out of the kindergarten door yesterday just beaming—I mean, like incandescent glowing from ear to ear—holding the most unlikely of items in the world.

Yup. That’s a beehive.

On the plastic lid of a bucket.

That her teacher found on the property of her home, when she and her hubby opened the lid of said bucket.

And since the elementary school is being refurbished this summer and the teachers are currently in the process of packing up their rooms, she gave said beehive-on-a-lid to Chica.

It was a present, given as a thank you/reward for Chica’s good behavior and happy attitude all year (or so Chica reported to me).

I mean, I have no words...

Like, literally have no words.

But if I did, they’d be something like:

Holy cow, was Chica beaming with pride (especially when every kid—and most of he parents—on the playground wanted to take a look).

And oh my goodness, I was beaming with pride, thinking about Chica’s good behavior.

But most of all, if I had appropriate words, I might be thinking:

What the holy heck am I supposed to do with a freaking BEEHIVE in my house that’s precariously situated on a broken, dirty lid of a bucket, that my daughter is insanely attached to and proud of???

I mean...seriously.

That’s some kind of “gift.”

Stay tuned for updates on the beehive lid.

But just know that I bought a lovely, powder blue, textured hat box today that I’m going to try to utilize for this “gift.” Ha.

Over and out.

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