Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Chica’s Kindergarten Graduation/Celebration

Oh my goodness, my baby, my firstborn baby, is done with kindergarten in a matter of days.

Two, to be exact.

Well, not even, since the last day (Thursday) isn’t even a full day.

Insert excited face here:

I mean...I can’t even think about it too much, or I’ll turn into an emotional pile of Mama Goo, so I’ll just think about the insane cuteness of her kindergarten celebration today instead.


It was music. It was choreographed dancing. It was the cutest dang thing in the whole wide world of kindergarten. And all the kiddos were totally on point!

The program was about eight musical numbers that were themed based on the events of the year or related holidays, and it was just so ding-dong-adorable.

And my little stinker of a kiddo didn’t even warn me beforehand that she got to sing a special little bit of one of the songs (“Apples and Bananas”) in front with a microphone as part of a quartet!

Talk about smacking the crap out of the hubby’s arm to get him to record it in time when I figured out what was happening, ha. ;)

For the record—when I asked her at bedtime why she hadn’t told me, she got all cute and shy and said she was a bit nervous and that if she told me, I’d be really excited, ha.

Me? Overreact with excitement? Me????


I shall attempt to respond with an appropriate level of toned-down enthusiasm...someday.

Not today.

I really was proud of all the beautiful babies today. And it was such a happy, celebratory atmosphere. Just as it should be.

There really aren’t enough (over-enthusiastic) words for me to express my pride in my beautiful girl for al she’s accomplished during this inaugural uear of school.

She has expanded her mind and her curiosity.

She has responded with respect and enthusiasm toward her teachers and her peers.

She had gravitated toward lovely friends who are playful and inclusive—and adapted with great resilience and forgiveness in her dealings with those who are not. 

Above all, she had established the seeds of a reputation of her own—separate and apart from her parents or her siblings, and I could not be more grateful for the kind spirit she has introduced to her elementary world.

I love this girl, and I love this happy kindergarten year she’s experienced.





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