Saturday, June 2, 2018

Family (Makeshift Home Theatre) Movie Night

Oh my stinking goodness, the summer has arrived—by holy inferno heat. And it’s sudden onset has totally taken a toll.

On m’plants.

On m’air conditioning.

On m’mood.

And on my kiddos’ attitudes.

Of course, there are amazing things that come with the heat—the best and splashiest of which is the swimming. :)

And we have such lovely buddies who’ve invited us for fun swimming play dates. The latest was last Thursday with Chica’s dear friend from school, and all of us got to join in the happy chaos for a couple hours.

And then my adorable trio could barely lift their exhausted heads on the way home. Let alone for dinner and bath time.

Yup, they were wiped.

And to be honest, they’ve been wiped a lot this past week or two.

Poor Chica has been dog tired each and every morning when I have to drag her out of bed for school. And she’s had some rough afternoons, coming down from the activity of the day, as well. Not to mention the fact that I think she’s growing—and we all know how that takes a toll!

And the littlest two—oh the littlest two. They’re stinking cute and hilarious and love playing on the school playground, but both have been vocal of late about not wanting to do school pick ups and drop offs, ha.

So...what I’m trying to say is that I have a trio of happy and energetic but tired, hot, and over-the-school-year kiddos who are ready for the shakeup of a summer routine.

And so is this Mama!

Thank goodness we only have...


In the meantime, we tried to appease the trio this afternoon and evening and let them just chill at the house, like they wanted. And Daddy had the lovely idea of turning the playroom into our own little movie theatre to make the chill time extra special.

After dinner, we put up blankets over the windows...

And when it was nice and dark, we inflated the blow up mattress and pushed it up to the couch for lots of family lounging space.

Then we grabbed a bunch of pillows, and a bunch of candy and popcorn. Everybody got in their pajamas, we watched a handful of previews to select a movie, and ended up with this gem...

It was so dang cute and full of action to keep everybody engaged. And Little Man wandered and hopped around like the two-year-old he is. And we all had a seriously great time.

It really was a special and fun “in” night.

So fun, in fact, that we let them stay up late to watch the whole movie, and there were unanimous declarations of this is the best day/movie/night ever from all three of them.

To channel Martha...

It was a good thing.


Good for the soul.

Good for my brood.

Good for a special bit of family bonding.

Happy (Hot) Saturday, peeps!

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