Monday, June 11, 2018

First Summer Swim Lesson!

Oh my goodness, despite Chicklet spiraling into some sick ick (yep, there’s always a reason when they sleep extra), we had such a lovely first Monday of summer!

It was so overwhelming in the bestest way ever, to really let it sink in that we’re free of stringent schedules for a whole, dang summer.

Of course, things were still roughly on the same timeline—but 20% more relaxed, with less clock-watching and more snuggles and pajamas.

I mean, it was heaven to be able to laze into our morning and post-nap time day parts. Heaven.

Also heavenly—the start of our fourth (FOURTH!) summer of swim lessons!

My little nuggets were goggled up and ready to go!

They all did so great in their individual classes, and were happy little fish all the way through that it made me reminisce about past years...

2015, when my beautiful little Chicklet was barely more than one year old and Chica was crazy-excited about the whole whoopla:

And then she was crazy-sad and pouty when it was over and we had to leave:

Then 2016–which was our heinously difficult swim-lesson summer (for the most part), when Little Man refused to get in the water, Chicklet wailed without me in there with her, and some sweet instructors took turns helping me with my haywire kiddos:

Luckily, we made it to a smooth 2017 that was mostly uneventful. Just what we needed.

And now...Year Four, and they just keep getting bigger! I mean, in another couple of weeks, Little Man will be in the water with his instructor and without me. 

Love our swim school, love these safety lessons for my babies, and love that we kicked things off with a happy splash.


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