Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Summer Art Challenge!

Oh my freaking goodness, on one of the final days of school, the very bestest in the whole wide world packet of information came home.

A Summer Art Challenge!

Basically, it’s a list of like 20 art/project challenges to attempt over the summer.

And if you complete five of them, and present documentation (or the actual project) you get a prize in the Fall when school resumes.

If you complete 10 of them, you get a better prize.

If you complete 15, you get an even better prize.


This. Is. Our. Jam.

We will slay this Summer Art Challenge, and happily complete every dang one of them. 

It honestly gives us such a great structure and goal for projects we’d be doing anyway this summer, and the kiddos were stinking pumped to kick things off because this first challenge (a personal collage) meant they got to use scissors.

Safety scholars, naturally. But I was still watching like a hawk for chopped hair, chopped digits, and chopped clothes, ha.

I mean, honest to goodness, I think scissors could kee them happy for hours.

Hilariously, I just happened to give Chica a recent Us Magazine to kick off her inspiration, and she proceeded to cut out about eight pictures from the royal wedding while she smiled like a fool and mumbled things like, “I just love Meghan.” Ha. Princess/bride obsessed collage it is. :)

Chicklet and Little Man collectively assembled their own collage that contained a lot o’ pets and a lot of hilarious creatures—but my little guy wouldn’t let it out of his hands, even for a decent picture, ha.

So...one challenge down. Oodles more to go!

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