Thursday, June 14, 2018

“Classroom” Time

Okay, so I have been loving the relaxed vibe of our schedule this first official week of summer.


The kiddos have been naturally waking up around 7:30 a.m., all smiley and snuggly and well-rested—and that’s a good hour later than our school year routine. I mean, it’s bliss. Plus, we don’t have to wake up and immediately go-go-go to be on time. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

And if that wasn’t heavenly enough, nap time/quiet time has been the same sort of relaxed vibe, with the afternoons pretty dang lazy since our activities (swim classes, dance classes, lunches out, errands) have mostly been morning or midday. 

I mean, it’s just been the best, and the kiddos have really been diggin’ it. :)


I must report that although we’ve had three fantastic days these week, yesterday wasn’t quite so loverly, and all three of my rascals were in Time Out by 8:20 a.m., oye.

It happens.

As part of their punishment, I made them clean up the whole playroom and then sit silently on the couch. And since they handled their sentencing pretty well, I decided to dive right into this sort of fun thing we’ve been doing every morning to utilize our brains a bit.

Basically, I pretend we’re in class, and I quiz the younger two on their letters, and then I quiz Chica with math problems, and for every correct answer, they get a jelly bean.

I just really wanted to implement something that we can do routinely to try not to lose all we’ve gained during the school year, and this is an entertaining start.

I’ve also been assigning Chica some tasks during nap time, like writing a story complete with pictures, or working in some of the school workbooks I’ve found at Tar-jay.

So far, so good. The key will just be to keep it fresh!

In the meantime, I really just want to do our very best to truly feel like we’re easing up and breaking routine for the summer, and all will be well for our happy crew.

Okay, now more loverly pics. :)

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

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