Saturday, June 16, 2018

Our Weekend (So Far) Vibes

Mama and Daddy were wiped last night, so we decided on a low-key family movie night, since the last one was a smashing success.

And even though this round was initiated as a way to let us slack off a bit on the parenting front, the kiddos were ecstatic, over-the-moon, this-is-their-new-favorite-thing thrilled.

And why shouldn’t they be??

A fun environment. Lots of family snuggles and laughs. And...candy. And popcorn.

A win/win way to kick off the weekend, for sure!

And we managed to select another charming movie, too!

Naturally, we made up for our laziness last night by doing all of the everything today.

Starting with an early morning jaunt for car maintenance—then breakfast, errands, removing everything from the garage and hosing it down and scrubbing it out, then spreading some grass seed where bunnies have attacked. More tiny home to-do list items...and then the pool.

Have I mentioned I’m exhausted???

It’s a nice feeling of productivity, though.

And now we can be free to have a wonderful Father’s Day tomorrow, without any of the yuckies. :)

Now, off to tackle oodles of laundry.

But here are some bonus pics of an onery Little Man turning his high chair into wheeled entertainment. And then some bonus bonus shots of the coolest balloon creations we’ve ever seen (from breakfast this morning).


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