Sunday, July 1, 2018

Chica’s Sixth Birthday—The Fun!

Oh my goodness, what a weekend!

What a month of June.

What a freaking summer so far.

How it is already July 4th this week???

I’s flying by, just as I knew it would. But the good thing is that we’re enjoying the heck out of it, with one round of fun after another.

And this weekend was certainly a wonderful family celebration for my big girl’s sixth birthday (oye, that one hurts).’s always been a bit difficult to organize an official party with friends for Chica’s birthday because it’s in the heart of the summer, and just days away from July 4th.

Not to mention the fact that we tend to have a lot of fun—for all the kiddos’ birthdays—when we try to plan some activity or fun adventure that the whole family can enjoy (translation: less crying from jealous siblings).

And that’s exactly what we did again.

I had the spark of an idea to have a staycation of sorts at Great Wolfe Lodge ages ago—and it all fell together in a wonderful way for Chica’s birthday event when I snagged an awesomesauce coupon for a one-night stay at a severely discounted rate.


So we packed up a suitcase and headed down the road on Friday afternoon for just the perfect splashing fun on a hot summer weekend.

As suspected, the kiddos were just as excited about staying at the hotel as they were about playing in the indoor water park. And the staff sure knows how to treat a birthday girl right, since we’re most definitely not the only set of parents to think of this brilliant idea for their kiddo.

Special wolf ears (a birthday set for the six-year-old, naturally) for all!

The six-year-old looks super bored and uninterested, doesn’t she? ;)

The Lodge is close to the airport, and I think Little Man died of excitement a million times over because he got to see so many planes flying by at close range, ha. (Side note: yay for their super sound-proof windows.)

The coupon was for a special Wolf Den room that had bunk beds for the girlies and even their own TV. They were pumped and Little Man wasted no time climbing.

And then we wasted no time suiting up and heading to the water park for a couple of late-afternoon hours.

And this is pretty much my one and only picture inside the park area because, well...water. And phones. Goes t mix. But believe me when I say we had loads o’ fun.

And then, because we just couldn’t help ourselves from having more fun, we booked a reservation for dinner down the road at Rainforest Cafe, and, as always, it was a transporting dining experience.

The kiddos lurved it—and, of course loved the stuffed animal friends they brought home (because they only have two thousand of them already and definitely needed one more, oye).

The happy (tired by this point, ha) birthday girl got a chocolate brownie volcano for dessert, s d it was amazeballs. :)

And then our crazy crew of five headed back yo the hotel, where we “enjoyed” the special fun of sleeping all together in one room, ha.

The next morning, we woke to more splashing fun before heading home around lunch so we could have time to bathe and crash for nap time...but not before lighting a candle and doing the official honors to wrap up what Chica dubbed “the best birthday ever.” 

(Though to be fair, I think she says that every year, ha. Something to aim for annually, yes?)

Love my girl like mad.

And I’ll try really hard to love six—though it feels way too old and legitimately smack-dab in the middle of the childhood years that it’s like a punch to the gut!

Are your parents singing too loudly and obnoxiously for you?? Are they?? Are they???

Hope everyone had a great weekend (and month).

Now, bring on JULY!

Over and out.

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