Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th—2018!

Well, peeps.

I’d love to say we had a firecracker of a day, but honestly, it was super low-key and that was A-okay.

In fact, the most exciting thing we did today was stage a photo shoot for my nuggets:

And because they were all elbows and knees and shoving and complaining and wiggling to try and fit...I took a short trip down memory lane to October 2015, when Little Man was just a couple weeks old and they posed in the chair for the first time as my trio:

(Excuse me while I go cry myself a river.)

More room back then, eh?

But far more personality now. :)

Love my babies and I’m grateful for the independence we enjoy. It’s a happy life.

God Bless our U.S. of A.

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