Sunday, July 15, 2018

Fancy Has Arrived!

Oh my goodness, I feel like there’s soooo much to catch up on regarding our little full-leg-cast patient, but I’m just gonna temporarily stick my head in the blogging sand for tonight and deal with those update later, m’kay? M’kay.

So instead, I’ll just tell you about our lovely Friday we managed to have—due in large part to the arrival of a new show on the Disney channel that we’ve been looking forward to for weeks!

As a segue...

I’ll start by saying it’s no secret that I luuuuurv books. 

And I also luuuuurv children’s books.

Lurv buying them for my kiddos.

Lurv reading them to my kiddos.

Lurv finding my kiddos camped out in their closets reading on their own.

I. Just. Lurv. Books.

So it’s a pretty bold statement to declare that my #1 children’s books series that I’ve read to date is almost 99.9% sure to be...

Fancy Nancy!

(With a crazy close second and third going to Pout-Pout Fish and Little Blue Truck. Oh, and Pinkalicious, a newish love. And holy cow do I love about a bazillion other stand-alone books so I probably shouldn’t even get started listing them, but I shall some day!).


Fancy Nancy, I love. A lot.

I just adore the whimsical and accurate illustrations, I adore the stories (and real-life sibling complications), and I adore the vocab words that are thrown in, because Nancy likes to use fancy words when possible, so it’s a win/win/win.

Chica probably has the strongest connection to date—simply because she’s been exposed to more. So imagine her joy (and mine, for sure) to discover a commercial on the Disney channel last month advertising a new show based on the books. Woohoo!

Now, I’m not gonna lie, I had mixed feelings about a show translation of something I love so much in book form, but...I just decided to jump on the bandwagon because it was happening regardless, ha.

When Friday finally arrived, the girlies suited up in their new Fancy Nancy nightgowns. And Little Man just joined in for the chaos. ;)

I gotta hand it to good ole Disney for showing Frozen just before the premier episode, along with a Fancy countdown. I mean, who’s fancier than Elsa??? ;)

When the moment arrived, we shrieked and clapped and sang along (because we already learned the theme song from the promos, naturally). And then we got a full hour of Fancy (four mini episodes), and everybody was thrilled.

It really was good fun—and the perfect low-physical-impact but high-excitement activity for my poor Chicklet.

And then, for the cherry on our Fancy sundae...I was able to bust out a butterfly project in honor of their favorite mini-episode, “Bonjour, Butterfly,” about the very dear pet “Papillon” (French for “butterfly”) Nancy finds.

They were pumped.

And adorable.

It was super fun to have a jolly-good time with the cast causing no hindrance whatsoever to our regularly-scheduled activities.

Can’t say that’s always been the case the past few days, but that’s a topic for another post. ;)

Peace out, peeps.

More mañana!

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