Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Seaside 2018–Day 3

We’ve been trending in the perfect direction of finding better beach after better beach (thank goodness, because how depressing would it be to go downhill from the get-go, ha).

Today’s location was definitely a massive winner—fantastic, considering it was this lady’s actual birthday, and that’s the whole, dang reason we organized this fun, family trip! ;)

We happened to seek out this beach after reading a review of the best beaches in the U.S. (according to Dr. Beach), and this was ranked #3.

Mighty praise, considering the #1 prize went to a location in Hawaii, ha.

And, bonus—this particular beach was just a couple miles down the road from where we’ve been the past few of days.

It was a gorgeous entrance into the area. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why this beach wasn’t more crowded. It’s a total gem. Beautiful dunes, more parking, and perfect, sugar-sand, with a line of emerald out in the water.

And a much shorter walk to get to the location where you’re staking your umbrella claim. It was so great.

The birthday girl was much happier here than any other day (and those were happy, too) since she could mosey just a short way past all the umbrellas and have a solitary (like, actual solitary) walk in perfect peace.

The beach time was followed by a great meal in Grayton at a place called Chiringa. And then a lazy late-afternoon/evening for the sun-tired peeps.

Another happy day.

One uncle and aunt have to leave mañana, so I’m glad we’ve had beach success before their departure. Might try some pool time for our last full day tomorrow. A break from the de-sanding process might be lovely, ha.

Over and out.

P.S. I haven’t mentioned this, but on our way in town the first day, we stopped at Walmart for a big grocery round-up and made the executive decision to just buy a couple umbrellas/stakes and beach chairs rather than rent them each day for a much higher cost. And it’s definitely been the way to go for us. Has saved money and given us greater flexibility to roam beach locations without much planning (and lugging all of it hasn’t been too terrible with a handful of adults). Of course, we’ll have to donate the gear to this rental house when we leave, but still. It’s been a good thing.

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