Saturday, July 28, 2018

Seaside 2018–The Rest Of It

So...we’re back home with suitcases unpacked and laundry going and going and going, and a couple nights of sleep (one heinous and one lovely) under our belts. Wohoo.

So now. I shall post. The remainder of my favorite pics from the trip.

Since we hit the ground running with three straight beach days (following our arrival/grocery-shopping/settle-in day), we started to shift into a lower gear for the final two days. ‘Cause we were just plain pooped.

So Wednesday, we went to brunch, prowled some stores, and then thought about swimming in the afternoon...and decided the lazy pull was too, dang strong, and the couches were too, dang comfy.

So we woke on Thursday and went to the pool mid-morning before packing and heading  to the airport after lunch.

I’m soooo glad we made the final energy effort to go swimming because it was a really chill, cast-friendly way to close out a lovely summer trip. :)

I feel like we haven’t really had time to recover yet, with a busy couple of days since we made it home. But hopefully, some down time will come next week (and maybe a rainy day in there!)—along with some catch-up posts of other life happenings.

Until then...

So long, sand...

...until next time.


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