Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Summer Art Challenge—Piñatas!

Okay, peeps...

I have company arriving mañana.

I have a family trip in two days.

I have laundry that apparently quadruples every hour.

I have a full-leg-cast, must-be-carried kiddo.

I have toilets to scrub.

I have a playroom that EXPLODED. Don’t believe me??? Exhibit A:

There are actually three tiny humans in that room...somewhere. Can you see them?? It’s like Where’s Waldo. (Insert snort laugh).


Despite all of the above, and my bestest intentions to tackle all of it this evening, I did not.

Because the hubby randomly pulled up a trailer for a Netflix movie he knew I’d love, and I said fuggedabouditALL.

And I just plopped down on the couch to watch the insane awkwardness and awesomeness, and Robb Stark-ness that made me (and the hubby, I swear) smile so much I gave myself a headache, ha.

A poor life choice, perhaps??

You betcha.

But can any life choice that involves the original King of the North really be a bad choice??


(P.S. If some of these words confuse you, it’s because you don’t watch Game of Thrones.)


Before I made a questionable evening life choice, I made an awesomesauce afternoon life choice to tackle another Challenge project with my trio. We’re really knocking these out with the cast cramping our activity style a bit, ha.

But this one, it was a wee bit more aspirational than some others on the list, like, say, a chalk mural, ha.

This one was (wait for it)...DIY piñatas (#18).


Never fear. Amazon pulled through with a kit to help us out.

But I’m not gonna was work.

And I ignorantly sat my tiny ones down at the kitchen table to begin...before I opened and analyzed the rubic’s cube of shapes I had to punch out and fold and tape. Oye. My bad.

Oh well. We eventually had the beginnings of a unicorn, an emoji and a robot (which also, ironically, sounds like the beginnings of a bad joke, ha).

The kiddos were finally pumped to play with glue...and rattle their jelly-bean-filled shapes. ;)

Did I mention I also had to cut out strip after strip after strip of piñata paper...and then snip the fringe effect into each strip as well???

I mean, could they not have done that already for you within the kit??

At least these buggers were smiling...

And concentrating.

And, I mean, who doesn’t love painting with glue???

Though my girlies are hilariously not into being messy, hehe.

Full disclosure: Chicklet spent a ton of time and focus on just the edge of her emoji. And then enlisted my major “assistance,” ha.

Little Man was totally into it (and totally into loads o’ glue, naturally), but I helped him along with great speed because I knew his concentration would dwindle. Thank goodness he had the easiest shape to paper up.

Super cute finished product (and kid).

This was a looooong one (nearly two hours from start to final clean-up), but I was proud of Chica for really sticking through it and only asking for help during the final ten minutes or so. :)

Especially since this project was the one from the list that she worried about being able to accomplish. 

But she did it.

Yay for crafty diversions.

But if I have to clean up my kitchen one more time, I might scream.

(Even though I’m sure to have to do it [the cleaning and the screaming] at least three times tomorrow. Sigh.)

Okay. My tanks of sarcasm is depleted. So more mañana, peeps!

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