Saturday, August 18, 2018

So Long, Summer (2018 Edition)

Okay, peeps.

It’s time.

For a little looskies-back at our Summer 2018–that shall forevermore be know as The Summer That Chicklet Broke Her Leg.

But first, before we dive into a little remembrancies, take a gander at the gorgeousness of my boys this morning at brunch.

I mean...I DIE.

With the purple and the stuffed crocodile and the fresh haircut and the smiles. I just. can’t. handle. it.

(And I also can’t handle the idea that this school year, my Little Man and I will have two days a week just the two of us, whilst the girlies are in school. But that’s a weepfest for another day...soon.)

I mean, these bad boys (double pun alert) are pretty, dang frameable. Might have to happen, stat.


And now, back to our regularly scheduled musings.

So, on Thursday, during back-to-school night, the highlights of our summer really began to rise to the surface when friends and faculty asked the predictable question, “so how was your summer?”

And three things always came out.

1. It went by fast.

2. We had a couple of lovely trips.

3. And, oh yeah, my Chicklet broke her freaking leg and ended up in a cast from hip to ankle for a decent chunk of our summer.

And that about covered it.

I mean, like it or not, that’s pretty much how the list forevermore goes.

But there was sooooo much more to our summer.

And it just wouldn’t feel right to dive headfirst into another school year without paying homage to some adventures and milestones that I hope (I hope, I hope) will stick with me from this summer of 2018.

So, without further delay...

This was a summer of crazy busyness and extreme laziness.

A summer of learning time.

And lots and lots of fun, summer art challenges.

A summer of Wisconsin.

And strawberry picking.

And beautiful time spent outdoors doing everything under the sun for some days in June when we could escape the Texas inferno.

It was the summer that we kicked all high chairs for good.

And the summer my boy napped like a champ nearly every, dang day—sleeping soundly and snuggling when he woke (and here I thought he was almost done with naps last Spring!).

And the summer Little Man decided the big boy potty was totally his jam.

It was the summer my Chicklet tackled the beach like a boss in a full-leg cast—because, oh yeah, we had a beach vacation with my side that marked our first trip all together since before any of my babies were born.

This was the summer it finally became possible (without a lot o’ drama, drama, trauma) to drive to Tulsa on my own with the kiddos.

And the summer poor Nanna’s kitchen died and we had one, final T-town adventure.

It was the summer of the Fancy Nancy television debut.

And the summer of family movie nights at home (and some in the theater—Hotel Transylvania 3, I’m talking to you.)

It was the summer of loads and loads o’ morning couch snuggles.

And the summer we finally broke down and bought mini iPads for “quiet time” and travel survival.

It was the summer of bunnies killing my grass (oye!), and cutting my privets waaaay back.

And a summer when the hubby was actually able to take his legitimate half-day Fridays nearly every week (can I get a hallelujah?!).

And, lastly, because of the cast, it was a summer with not a lot of swimming and canceled dance classes.

But it was a summer we really tried to roll with the punches and soak in all the down time we could amidst our adventures, because I understand how very much we’ll need those low-key reserves heading into a new school year and all that it entails.

I know there’s so much more I’ve forgotten, but I also know there’s so much that will stay with me.

But, Summer 2018, I think we did right by you (al things considered), and I think our good and lazy times will hold us over as well as they possibly can, until summertime rolls around again.

And now, as a send-off—some pics from our final summer swim adventure at a birthday party today. What a perfect way to say sayonara and soak up a last round of family splashing fun.

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