Monday, September 10, 2018

Our Household S.O.S.(S.)

Well, m’peeps.

It’s official.

We’ve entered the fourth week of the school year, and I’m sending out our very own household S.O.S. (S.)

Start of School-Year Snowball alert.

The meltdowns, they are a-happening.

Things have been trucking along, gaining emotional momentum day by day, week by week. It’s that lovey, compounding, snowballing effect that comes from a lot of new, a lot of busy, and a lot of acclimation.

I had my low point (I hope, puh-lease) last Thursday.

And Chica had her low point (I hope, I really really hope) today.

I don’t need to go into specifics about the tears and the lectures and the snuggling and the reassuring.

The important thing is that I was able to talk all of the emotions out with my girl and help her to understand that she’s not alone, and there’s certainly a reason why she might be her normal, kind, sweet self one minute, and then the exact opposite the next, ha. (Oh, and to make sure that all is well at school and in her classroom—and it is, thank heavens.)

Nothing to be done but weather the acclimation landslide and prescribe extra doses of patience and snuggles, and sleep, sleep, sleep.

I mean, honest to goodness, we moved up the bed time launch sequence by a full 40 minutes tonight, and all three of my kiddos were ready for their beds.

Early shut eye (for kiddos), I love you.

Send out happy vibes for a less dramatic, happier and smilier drop-off for my Chicklet at Pre-K mañana.

And in the meantime, enjoy all these random pics from our weekend, from our Target run this afternoon (where I funneled my emotional concern for my babies into special, no-reason toys, ‘cause, yes, I’m a softie), and our much much much needed chill time in the playroom.

Let the settling-in hurry on up, already!

More tomorrow.

Over and out.

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