Saturday, September 8, 2018

Rewinding Some Time

Oh my goodness, what a day.

(And, yup, I totally and completely realize that I’ve been saying that at the start of pretty much every post for the past few weeks, ha. But in my defense, we’ve had a lot going on!)

So on today’s agenda: a mini baby shower, and two kiddo birthday parties—along with a lot and lot o’ rain (which I sorta loved, but also hated because it just made me want to stay home).

But...I’m grateful for the rain, and I’m grateful for a few low-key hours in the morning because it was just go-go-go for this Mama for the rest of the day.

None of it was stressful, it was just busy and back-to-back, and in wildly different areas of the metroplex. And in case I haven’t mentioned it lately...I’ve been tired, ha.

Which is probably why my mental ramblings made me sound so halphazard...

Grab the present.

No, the other present.

Write down the address.

Nope, wrong address. That was the party from two weeks ago.

Get a move on—this one’s already started.

Tissue paper. Not enough tissue paper, I can see the toy.

We need ballet shoes for this one.

Is it still raining?

Where are the rain boots?

Does this tissue paper match this bag that’s not really a birthday bag?

Why wasn’t I more organized for this?

Wait—are the car seats in the right car?

Now I have no car seats and no kids, and the leather of my seats is covered in smashed goldfish cracker residue, so I’d rather have the car seats to cover it.

And I’d rather have kids.

But they’re in Daddy’s car.

Are we done yet???

It was all quite hilarious, but there was for sure one highlight (for me) and that was having lunch with these two lovely ladies:

These ladies are from my other life. My pre-kiddo life at the agency.

The one in the middle worked for me on my favorite and longest-standing account during my advertising yeasts. And the one on the right was my partner-in-pain on my least favorite account during my advertising time, ha. 

In case you can’t see the lovely bump, we were celebrating the lady in the middle—who is due to give birth very, very soon.

And it was just wild to think of the fact that when I first met her, she was fresh outta college and had moved across country for this job.

And now she’s a married, Mama-to-be who I’ve known for (gasp) like 12 years (ouch, that hurts). I mean, just look at this shot of her with Chica when she was about seven weeks old (I mean, talk about a stab to the gut):

If I had more time, I could pull up oodles and oodles of fun shots of both of these ladies (the one on the right hosted my baby shower way back when!)—and many more ladies and gents who made an indelible mark on my pre-kiddo life.

It’s so bittersweet to think of how long I’ve been away from that life. And also sooooooo sweet to thing of all that’s happened since then.

Sometimes it’s wonderful to see people from way-back-when, because it reminds you of all that’s changed.

And some beautiful things that always remain.

Now if only I could manage an adults-only girls lunch more than once a year!


These are good goals.

Over and out.

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