Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Joy & Guilt

Oh my stinking heavens, thank you, God, for giving us a good day!

After the low point of the past few days and the trauma -drama of Chicklet’s inaugural Pre-K drop-off, I was totally wary of the collective mood of my babies today.

I mean, I was treating Chicklet like an armed explosive during breakfast (is she nervous??) while she got dressed (is she going to start crying??), when we loaded up in the car (surely the meltdown is happening in 3, 2, 1...).

But, nope!

She. Was. Great.

I mean, look at those smiles (that I got by fake-crying like I was the one who didn’t want her to leave, ha). She was a cool cucumber and pumped about the backpack-wearing, hehe.

The whole way there, we playing a rowdy game of I Spy With My Little Eye (her new favorite), and the rain made everything an adventure.

She was totally fine when we unloaded her stuff in her classroom, and gave me an inattentive “okay,” when I kissed her and snuck out while she was distracted with toys. Woohoo!


She came home smiling with reports of being a good girl, so, HALLELUIAH, for a happy Day 2. 

Waaaay to early to count my chickens, but I’ll take every dang good day I can get!

And speaking of a good day...

Little Man and I had what felt like our first duo day (since the first day of Chicklet’s Pre-K was crazy busy and anything but normal), and I’m not gonna lie—it was lovely.

Perhaps it was lovely because, again, the rain sort of makes everything an adventure.

Or perhaps it was lovely because we were both in happy moods and headed to Hobby Lobby, where you can’t help but be smiley when you’re surround by seasonal everything.!

It was so crazy crazy crazy being far less stressed because I only had him to look after. But every time I smiled about being with my littlest buddy, I was immediately hit by a pang is guilt.


I mean, here were my irrational thoughts:

What does it mean that I’m enjoying just our duo time and the ease of not tracking three kiddos in three different directions??? Am I a terrible mother?! Do I prefer low-stress to having all my ducks in a row at my side??? DO I NOT LOVE MY CHILDREN????!


Please note that I am, in fact, aware of the ridiculousness of these thoughts, but it’s sort of impossible not to worry about enjoying some duo time with my boy without feeling like I’m betraying my girlies, ha.

I do know that this, too, shall pass.

Like everything with kiddo life, we will acclimate to our new normal.

And I’ll learn to enjoy each of my days (the ones with Little Man, the ones with Chicklet and Little Man, and the ones with all my babies) for what they are—just a natural part of kiddos aging into elementary life in stair-step stages.

Besides...I’m pretty sure my time will be better spent worrying about the shopping tendencies of my boy, who enthusiastically chucked item after item into our cart, ha.

We may or may not have come home fully stocked with 13 seasonal projects (mostly Halloween, but, yup, a couple Christmas).

And I may or may not have my eye on 13 more. ;)

And he may or may not have his eye on some of these “scary” nutcrackers, ha. His words, not mine. ;)

Sooooooo grateful for this manageable Tuesday, peeps.

Oh, and I had a wild, awesome, chatty, chatty evening with Chica!!

It was like someone just wound her up and let her go!

She talked talked talked my ear off for an hour and a half, detailing every dang thing she does each day at school. And I mean, everything.

And I couldn’t have loved it more!

She was sooooo excited to spill it all. Almost like she’s had it pent up for these first few weeks. She was so talkative she was frequently out of breath, and she just kept saying, “I just love talking right now. Sometimes I don’t wanna talk, but I just wanna talk right now.”

It was THE BEST.

So remind me of all these good things tomorrow when we have a horrendous hump day, m’kay??


Peace out, peeps!

More maƱana.

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