Thursday, September 13, 2018

Settling In

Well, peeps.

This week has been exactly what we needed.

Chica’s low-point/meltdown aside, we have begun the great Settling In phase of the 2018-2019 school year. 


This week, we’ve had no firsts or new activities or kick-off items or major milestones. Which means we’ve made it through the immersion madness and are finally easing a bit into our new normal.

Case in Little Man and I were so normal today that we managed to really enjoy the heck out of our few duo hours.

We went for a breakfast out (on a patio, no less—upon his request to sit outside, ha). We were the only patrons out there, by chance, and it was just chill and happy and lovely. And so was he. :)

And then, we went for a haircut (him) and a couple of tiny errands, before returning home for a walk/bike ride. 

He could not have looked cuter on his balance bike, but...he has not at all figured it out yet, ha. He just sort of walks his bike instead of zooming his feet. So we’re gonna need to work on that. ;)

Seriously, though. The cuteness was off the charts.

It was such a throw-back kind of day. Easy-breezy, with happy pond, duck, turtle time.

And then a happy lunch and zonked-out nap time (him), before rounding up the girlies at school pick-ups.

My Chicklet was still smiling after Pre-K (though a bit more tired than she was on Tuesday—understandably so). And don’t worry—the car wasn’t in motion when she was lounging like that, ha.

She wasn’t as chatty with details today, but her teacher reported that she had a great day. And Chicklet herself also reported good behavior, and the one nugget of information I got was about instruments that she was pumped to play with today, hehe (shakers, bells and drums, apparently).

And one final sign that we are truly past the chaotic first few school weeks...we had a play date today with Chica’s best buddy. All of us over there for a bit before dinner, dance class and the exhaustion of a long and busy but happy day.

Thank freaking goodness tomorrow is Friday, though.

Despite a decent week, the days are long and packed and Mama is TIRED.

Happy (Almost) Friday, peeps!

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