Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Whole Emotional Rainbow


Little Man’s fever was no fluke.

It hung around steadily all day yesterday, and though it mostly disappeared today, boy did his crankiness just shoot through the roof.

My 9:12 a.m. text to the hubby:

Your son is in one HELLUVA mood today.

I mean, on a scale of one to ten on the emotional rainbow spectrum, he was at a solid 12 all, dang day. Booooo.

I pretty much walked on eggshells all morning and by 10 a.m., after handling both school drop offs and one teeny tiny errand, I threw in the towel, drove home, hunkered down, and let him watch Netflix pretty much until nap time.

I mean, he went from standing but super cranky at Chicklet’s drop-off...

To vertical laziness about an hour later...

To full-on pajama living another half hour later, ha.

I mean, he tried to muster up some enthusiasm to paint (his request), but couldn’t even get his poor heart into it.


Lazy, not great morning. Nap time. And then more crankiness in the afternoon when I had to haul him out of his crib for double school pick-ups.

Not gonna lie—Chica was also in an unstable state after school (though Chicklet was happy and lovely), so I had no alternative but to craft the crank out of them (yup, it’s a tactic).

Hello, happy Mr. Potato Head pumpkins. :)

Finally got some smiles and enthusiasm out of them. And the break in crankiness hung around while we busted out some fun, Halloween stickers. Woohoo.

Alas, the reprieve was only an hour long, and then I found myself upstairs in a tangle of snuggle-needing kiddos. Which is so not the worst place to be. But still. Better moods tomorrow, puh-lease???

Also. Just one quick thing...

This was then (with her princess pumpkin):

And this is now:

Okay, now our emotional rainbow day is complete. ;)

Happy ALMOST FRIDAY, peeps!

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