Friday, December 21, 2018

Chica’s Class Holiday Party—2018!

Oh. My. Heavens.

We did it!

We made it to the finish line of school and are officially on holiday break for days and days and days!


I mean...exhaustion, it is I.

Does that sentence even make sense??? It looks weird to my brain. Perhaps because my eyes are so tired they’ve crossed. And closed.

Of course, due to the craziness of LIFE, I’m sort of posting the holiday class party hoopla out of order, because Chicklet’s was yesterday, and I haven’t had a moment to dive through all the pics yet!

But these were easier to edit, and right at my fingertips. So roll with me, m’kay?

I am in awe of all the work completed by the lovely room mom of Chica’s class. She shouldered so much of the burden, while myself and a couple of other moms were just along for the ride with smaller, backup projects.

But it was a joy to participate in all of it, and see the bubbly, giddy, carefree faces of Chica and all her classmates.

These are the moments, peeps.


My girl and her headband on the way out the door this morning...

Smiling with her buddies as we started holiday Bingo...

Tackling gingerbread houses...

Smiling over goodie bags...

The whole happy crew...

My frame contribution, being put to adorable use...

Kiddos I adore, making faces I adore...

Striking a mother/daughter silly pose...

Girlies and their teacher, who I extra-adore...

My girl, officially on break from school, shoe shopping with her Mama for a tiny bit of special one-on-one time (hello, new boots!) before heading home to the rest of the fam...

And the Nanna who arrived today and made that one-on-one time possible. ;)

Sooooo grateful for such a happy holiday school sendoff. And looking forward to a day of food prep and last-minute items mañana!

Oh, and I’ll lost Chicklet’s happy, happy, joy, joy, class pics tomorrow, too!

Happy Pre-Holiday Weekend, peeps!

Over and out.

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