Saturday, December 22, 2018

Final Prep Day!

Well, peeps.

It’s nearly midnight, but I’m feelin’ pretty dang good, because we’ve gotten sooooo much done today, and we did it will holiday cheer (at least, it felt like it to me, ha), so it had no to-do list vibe.

Instead, it felt a little like this:


I mean, where there wasn’t a Christmas tree an hour ago, there is now (and I spy Home Alone 2 in the background, tehe).

And I got a hoard of sugar cookies made—with more dough ready for my hoodlums in the morning.

And LOOK at the impromptu second Santa visit we had tonight (Little Man was a little scared and in my arms, but he conversed with the Big Guy from the safe zone, ha). I mean, the look on Chicklet’s face LIGHTS UP MY LIFE. I heart her soooooo much.

And the fabulous reason she was probably so animated...a couple of our little friends came and stole them for an impromptu play date that was sooooo wonderful that Chicklet was sobbing when we had to leave, ha.

Yet again, I’m so grateful to a dear Mama friend who thought of my girlies and threw them in with her crew for a couple hours of wonderful and blessed holiday fun for all.

Turtle hunting, decoration gazing, a little movie and popcorn watching and good old outdoor get-the-wiggles-out FUN.

Happy, happy buddies.

My little superhero helped me pass out the final Christmas cards in the cul de sac...

We had a little chalkboard and burger time earlier in the day...

And rounded out dinner with some tree time and sugar...

Such a good day.

And a tiring one!

With mooooooore to come!

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out.

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