Thursday, January 3, 2019

Chicklet’s Preschool Christmas Party

So yeah, sure, I might be two weeks behind the ball in posting about this one, but I didn’t want it to fall through the holiday cracks (which kinda-sorta sounds wrong, but I pinky promise I didn’t mean it that way, ha).


I think it’s also kind of fitting that I’m just about closing out the last of the festive season posts with one that’s a celebration of the true reason for the season:

I think it’s important to note here that I definitely underestimated the joy I would receive from putting Chicklet in a church-based preschool. So forgive me while I digress for a wee moment on that front...

When we selected a preschool for Chica back in the day, our concerns and criteria were vastly different, considering it was our first dive into the (wildly overhwelming) world of preschool. It was hard enough to simply find a place I was comfortable enough to leave her, my first baby, for a few hours, a couple times a week. Ugh. The angst.

But we learned—or perhaps just reinforced—a few things along the way (preschool is soooo temporary; the vibe is so important—and so is the cost and proximity) and became aware of so many new options that weren’t even on our list for Chica when it came time for Chicklet’s preschool. (Yay, for mom friends helping to expand horizons.)

Bottom line: I adore, adore, adore Chicklet’s preschool. I’m wildly grateful to have found a place that feels so comfortable for us—and to see the faith-based learning taking root in my beautiful second-born...priceless.

From little things like her interest in leading prayers, talking about Baby Jesus, and learning children’s church songs that I knew in my youth, to larger things like an awareness of God in any capacity, and a love of her “chapel time” that will plant seeds (I hope, I hope!) to last a’s all been just one, giant, unexpected warm fuzzy hug.

And—bonus, bonus—we can flat-out celebrate JESUS at holiday time, without skirting around anything. :)

For the celebration, we started with some chapel time and a brief retelling of the nativity story.

I love, love, loved seeing Chicklet’s familiarly with the routine of chapel. Praying hands, I adore you.

Then we retreated to her classroom for cookie decorating, and a quick book exchange. It was all so simple, but festive—and my girl was sooooo happy to have Little Man and I there.

Seriously—looking back on the past two or three weeks as I wrap up these posts, I’m sort of marveling at all the celebrations and events and activities we managed to cram in. Just like everyone else during the holiday season!

Was it a bit overwhelming? You betcha. But it was all so much more joyful than any of the chaos that came with it. 

Just as it should be.

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