Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Christmas Day—2018!



M’crazies who read this here blog.

How can it just be the New Year (Happy New Year, btw!), and I already feel like I’m behind???

I’ll tell you how.

Because I’m still racing to catch-up on holiday posts before January sweeps us fully into 2019!

But I’m going to do my very bestest to get everything up-to-date before school begins. Which means I have exact-tackly five days to finish it all.





Beginning with hilarious, not-entirely-in-focus, in-difficult-morning-light, with ecstatic-moving-target-tiny-people pictures.

But let’s face it—nobody cares about the lighting. You only care about the joy, yes??

And there was plenty of that. :)

It might have looked like an obnoxious amount of gifts—and yes, they were blessed to get three toys each. But they were mostly just deceptively large items, which made for a packed living room, ha.

Each kiddo got a hilariously large stuffed animal.

Then Chica received:
  • A Maximus horse (from Tangled)
  • And another obnoxiously large stuffed animal (can’t fault a girl for her stuffed Santa list, ha).
Chicklet received:
  • A dog collar/leash for her stuffed animals
  • A karaoke microphone stand
Little Man received:
  • A nerf gun (his first!)
  • A Hot Wheels looped track
But the biggest hit of the day was probably the bonus toy that Santa left for all three of them—that I’m trying really hard not to call their exercise bike, ha.

It’s a little Fisher Price bike that hooks up to an iPad. And they play games on it that involve steering and peddling, and they lurv it.

It’s a pretty great size for Chicklet and Little Man, but poor Chica has to enjoy it with her long legs a little bent, hehe.

Accidental black and white photo in the midst of the chaos...

One of the things I’ll remember most from this Christmas morning was how long the kiddos happily engaged with their toys!

In past years, I seem to remember an insane 15-minute flurry of madness, and then their looks of: now, what??

But not this year. We had to drag them to the table much later for Happy Birthday, Jesus pancakes, ha.

And some Daddy snuggles.

(Side note: it’s kind of a riot how Chicklet refused to wear this year’s family pjs and instead insisted on last year’s, ha. Oh, well. I tried.)

Excellent nerf form...

Daddy, too. ;)

I mean, seriously. My little nuggets were happy in the living room until lunch. Making forts out of their animals, and just enjoying their gifts. It was wonderful.

But we eventually shifted upstairs for the adult gift exchange and aunts/uncles/Nanna gifts.

Yay, for comfy wings!

Right here’s about as good a time as any to mention we did nothing to lessen Little Man’s new love of Spider-Man. Ha.

So serious with his beloved new figurine, hat, mask, shoes, and wrist web-slinger, baha. Thanks, familia.

One of my personal greatest gifts was an afternoon siesta—before cooking up a yummy white lasagna, and capping it all off with candles for Baby Jesus (on some Little Debbies, not the lasagna).

It was a glorious family Christmas. :) And I adored my beautiful Chicklet for demanding these group selfies before everyone dispersed for bath time. She was quite the specific art director!

Lots of joyful vibes in our casa.

A beautiful day, indeed.


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