Wednesday, January 9, 2019

New Year, New Renovation

Okay, peeps.

So...if you follow along on this here blog, then I kinda, sorta, maybe, perhaps-just-a-little, bummed you out with the sad moving vibe of my last post. So I shall attempt to rectify that bad, sad, mojo with this post about...our new casa!

Now, first off, lemme state for the record that it’s sort of a miracle that I could even type that last sentence with an exclamation mark at the end. Because the process of finding something that felt right for us was tough.

And I mean...crazy, insanely, horrendously tough.

For many reasons.

The first being that I did not want to move.

And the second—when we moved to our current house five years ago, we were involved before the slab was even poured, so we selected everything from the ground up, and it was ours from the beginning. So exploring options that didn’t feel like they were ours at all, just felt miserable.

Add to that the complication of...

where in the heck in the city to live,

where in the heck in the city to live by the very best schools,

where the heck to live where the hubby wouldn’t have a terrible commute,

where the heck to live where I’d definitely have a Chick-fil-A within a two-mile-radius, and—duh—a Target,

and life was just depressing.

Oh, and the vomit. And strep throat. And all the heinousness of a ticking clock of 36 hours per visit to find a home to live in and be happy.

Oye, oye, oye.

Luckily, our realtor was quite patient (even through the vomit and strep), and we were diligent about doing sooooo much dang research online before we were in the city. And that work eventually paid off.

Because even though our realtor had shown us move-in ready, new homes that probably would have worked quite well, we connected with one house (well, the entire property, actually), on the very first road I drove down, on our very first interview visit, when I felt some small semblance of peace and thought: huh, I could do this if I had to...and we decided to go with our gut.

And then, as a bonus gift from God (that did not feel like a gift at the time), we spent one terribly depressing dinner hour after finally deciding to go for this house, when we thought there was already a pending offer on it. (There wasn’t.) And it totally confirmed how badly we thought it was The One, so when the pending offer error was cleared up, we were all in, no reservations.

Only problem: we most definitely connected with the house and the property and the vibe, and saw so much potential, but felt it needed a lot of cosmetic work to feel like ours.

So what did we do???

My hubby, being the resourceful and insane man that he is, managed to track down a contractor that day, while we were still in SA, and also managed to have said contractor meet us at the property for a second showing the following day, before we flew out.

And that contractor, who patiently walked this house with us, and absorbed our full list of insane plans, ended up being the contractor that we hired.

No joke.

It’s kind of insane and unbelievable, and perhaps one of the tiny (but also huge) events that’s helped me believe that this move was meant to happen.

So we managed to close on the property as quickly as possible (with a Christmas thrown in there somewhere).

We signed all the paperwork last Friday.

By Monday, the keys were in our hands (well, our realtor’s hands, since we’re not there, ha).

And on Tuesday, our contractor started demo on a massive renovation that makes me want to squeal and hurl and scream and sweat—all at the same time.

I mean...I think we’ve lost our minds, and we’ve certainly started hemorrhaging from our pocketbooks. 


When this hoopla is all said and done, this renovated casa will most definitely feel like ours. And that’s the point of this whole shebang.

I’m not sure how much I’ll share along the way, in terms of pics and what not (I’m sort of winging life at the moment). But I’m ridiculously excited about two things, at present. One: I’m not there for this stage of the process. Two: our contractor is on it, and totally keeping us in a detailed loop. And the hubby will soon be there to join in all the “fun” once it’s safe enough for him to live in some small corner of the house, ha.

So...after all that rambling, enjoy a few of many pics we’ve received in the last two days. And start saying some prayers about lots of things—my sanity levels the highest priority on that long list!


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