Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday Thankfulness

Okay, peeps.

It’s Thursday, which means it’s nearly Friday, which means the weekend is practically upon us—and we’ve managed to survive the week pretty emotionally and physically in tact, thanks to the following:
  1. Sheer force of ever-loving will. I mean, seriously, I could not handle another week with more bad than good!
  2. Friends. We’ve had a play date every, dang day this week—some at our casa, some at others’—and even had dinner at a friend’s house last night. And I’m convinced the connectivity has helped us a great deal. I mean, we have been soaking it in while nobody in the household has an active fever! Germs, begone!
  3. Productivity. Amidst all the craziness of an average, busy week, I’ve made some headway with cleaning out closets, and really starting the culling process before the move. And that pleases me greatly.
And, finally, the last happy tidbit that’s kept the week feeling lighter...impending Valentine fun! With February here mañana, all the Valentine hoopla is imminent, and supplies are a’plenty ‘round our casa!

I assembled little activity bags for Chica’s class, where I was a Mystery Reader again today. After the books, we made bookmarks and did a little scratch art. And, as usual, Chica was pretty darn ecstatic to have me there, which makes my heart burst.

And we’ve kicked off some other tiny Valentine crafts (like shrink art) during our play dates, too. :)

Oh, and yesterday, Little Man had an epically lovely nap, which was fabulous—especially since it might end up being his only one this week, ha.

Really grateful for our network of peeps this week to keep us entertained and happy. Even if next week tanks again, I’ll remember we had this one, manageable round as a reprieve!


Over and out.

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