Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Little Man’s New Room Vibe

Hellooooo, peeps, and happy freaking Tuesday!

If you’re sensing my wild enthusiasm for no apparent reason on a random Tuesday evening, then I’m apparently transmitting the vibe that I’m feeling. ;)

And why, might you ask, is there such an influx of enthusiasm on a random weekday???

Well. It’s pretty simple.

Nobody had a fever today, and we’re alive and kicking, and even managed a play date, some errands, some Valentine school-party prep, and an after-bedtime school project for Chica (her 100th day of 1st grade is on Friday), so I’m counting the day as a victory.

So while I still have five minutes of energy left in my tank, I thought I’d take a moment to share some tiny tidbits about the new casa, since I feel like I haven’t shared much.

And the reason I haven’t share much is because, well, I don’t have pictures, and who cares about a massive home renovation without pictures???

Lately, since the hubby is on location in SA, he goes to the new house most evenings and FaceTimes with me to show me any progress, but it’s already dark by that point, and lighting is heinous for pics, and it’s all pretty bare anyway (and let’s face it, he doesn’t take very stylish pics to begin with), so it’s just all a lost cause. Booooo.

So the verbal update is that the entire house painting (like every square, ding-dang-dong inch) is just about complete. So sometime this week, some tiling work in bathrooms will begin. And that should be pretty fun to kick off (and it really needs to get going so the hubby can stop living in a hotel at some point).

So while the timeline for any completed area of the house is still in flux, and we still haven’t sold our current house yet, I’m biding time by planning as best I can for the kiddos’ new rooms so that I can get them reassembled as quickly after the move as possible (whenever the heck that may be!).

Long and short—I’d say about 75% of each kiddos’ room will be replicated in the new casa. With exceptions for each room, that I’ll share as I get to each one.

But first, I’ll start with this cute and mischievous web-slinger right here:

So...it’s been no secret of late, that his superhero adoration gene has really kicked in, ha. I mean, he’s all over anything Spider-Man, but we’ve recently begun to expand his superhero universe a bit, due to this lovely book we found a couple weeks ago at our beloved Half Price Books.

He studies this thing like a hawk, and asks about every character’s name, and if you thought there was nothing cuter than a three-year-old dressing himself in his Spider-Man hat, Spider-Man shoes, superhero socks, and corresponding red shirt for school drop-offs, just ask him to say “Thor,” and you’ll die.

I mean, I seriously can’t handle the cuteness. It slays me.

And do you know what else really slays me (but in a totally different, serious way)? 

The color red.

It just ain’t my thing.

(And please, for the record—and for the love of all that is holy—don’t hate me or think I’m judging you for loving and wearing and decorating with red. Everyone has their loves! I just happen to be a a cool-color spectrum, blue/green/grey girl, all the way, and always have been). But it would be terrible if everyone in the world had the same taste. Color makes the world go ‘round!

And clearly, my son didn’t get my red memo, ha.

So here’s the challenge. How do I incorporate superhero love into his existing grey/white/aqua room palette in a way that looks fabulous, makes him smile, and doesn’t make Mama cray-cray??

Well. Here’s the first victory.

After massive amounts of online searching, I found the best, modern-looking focal point for above his big-boy bed (that will be his major new addition to his room, upon moving).

This awesomesauce wall decal (that’s between four and five feet in height), that I can get in white, to please me greatly, ha (though I may be able to live with the black—as long as it’s not red!—I’m just deciding what will pop against his grey walls the best).

I really am pumped to have found it, because I think it will delight him to no end, and be a perfect something-something for some (easily-temovable) wall flair that’s not too obnoxious.

And next up, I had to bite the bullet and just find some art that I could totally live with to really cement the whole superhero fun without making me cry out against primary color madness, and I found just the thing (again, after massive amounts of searching).

I stumbled across an Etsy vendor with watercolor superhero art, and I just love the slightly muted-around-the-edges-due-to-the-watercolors vibe of them.

Even better—you just pay to get the digital files, so I was able to upload them to my favorite online printer for some quality results on the material of my choosing. And then, I can frame them in a fun, modern way as a grouping—perhaps in some sort of white, or even metal frames to keep them a bit edgy. I can’t wait until they arrive in a couple days. 

The vendor had tons of superheroes to choose from, but I started with just six, to see how the printing/framing turns out, and then I’ll go from there.

Here are a few of the images (with arrows from screenshots; obviously, those won’t be there in the end!):

I think they could end up very funky and fun, but definitely something that will make both my boy and I happy—and that’s the whole point!

So...basically, Little Man’s new room is already painted, his new flush mount light fixture is on property and ready to install, his fun, hexagon wall shelves will go with us, as will his mirror, nightstand and dresser. And then the bed and wall art will be new (jazz hands).

It’s very fun to try to get this stuff locked and loaded and set aside for the big move. Lots of moving parts (understatement of the century), but we’re trying to find the joy where possible, and we’re definitely trying to focus on getting the nuggets settled and all homey ASAP, so they can keep those smiles a-comin’!

So...more soon!

And in the meantime...Happy Tuesday!

Over and out.

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