Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Dino-Mite Farewell


Today. Because we were full of energy.

And because the rain held off.

And the temperature was oh-so-perfect with some breeziness to the air.

We decided to make a trek out to our very favorite nature preserve and our beloved dinosaurs (after all the kiddos were home from school).

As a bonus, we ended up with an extra little friend of Chica’s, and for a hot sec, I wondered if I was a little sad about the addition, for what might potentially be our last visit out there before the move. Like maybe it was supposed to be a little sacred, and only for my trio.


It ended up being the loveliest addition, because this little friend had never been to The Heard (craziness!). So on this very last excursion, I got to see firsthand, how very much my kiddos have taken ownership of this favorite spot of ours through the years, and how proud they were to take someone else through it. And it was just the most wonderful sendoff.

Of course, there’s a slim chance we might be back in the next few weeks, but likely not, since the dinosaurs leave next week—not to return until the Fall, and it would just be too bittersweet and perhaps a bit disappointing to go without them there.

But I know that whether it’s the last time forever-forever, or we happen to be there at unexpected times in the future, some visuals of this place and the countless times my kiddos have trekked the grounds will be burned in m’brain for always.

The sight of them all descending the zig-zag ramp, as fast as their little legs could take them.

The joy and fear of the dinosaur sightings at various developmental stages.

And the light—oh, the God light, that we always, always encountered around this one specific bend in the path.

Gratitude, I tell you. For all the images taken in my phone and in my heart.

Not much needs to be said to accompany all these glorious pics from today—except that I’m so, so grateful for the blessing of this outdoor escape of ours. We’ve made some of our very best family-outing memories there, and I’m thankful for every one of them. Today included.

(And if I happened to cry today while we were out there, it was behind my happy, blue sunglasses, so the kiddos were none the wiser.)

And for some bonus bonus shots today...my Little Man wore his very first Umbro outfit today (remember Umbro, peeps? From my teenage years??), now that he can fit into a boy’s extra-small. And after some errands, we had the very best quality-time brunch date out, and it was glorious.

And he even melted my heart when we got in the car after playing some tag in the courtyard of the restaurant, and told me, “I love playing with you, Mama.”


I could just gobble. Him. Up.

Happy Tuesday, peeps.


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