Monday, February 4, 2019

Chica’s 100th Day of School—2019

So...before I dive in with a recap of our Monday, I’ve got to rewind back to Friday and all the fun we had before it passes me by in the chaos of life and posting!

The headline: it was officially the 100th day of the school year, and in the elementary years, that is totally a big deal. :)

However. What alarms me most about this milestone is not the passage of time (how are we rapidly approaching Spring Break???), but rather, the fact that when I tried to reference back to the 100th day of Chica’s kindergarten school year, I discovered that I didn’t post about it.


And shocking, ha.

But what charmed me out of my Mom Fail moment when I was scrolling through the blog...last year, on February 3rd, I posted about books/movies I was obsessed with. And yesterday—February 3rd of this year—I did the exact same thing.

I  mean...what are the odds?????

Apparently, I’m either a savant (unlikely), or wildly predictable (ding, ding, ding).

Stay tuned for other happenings that are exactly like the second week in February 2018. Because we’re about to go see our favorite dinosaurs tomorrow or Wednesday (weather permitting)—just like we did during this exact week, last year, ha.

But anywho...I digress.

The 100th day of school!

Chica was required to complete a project with 100 items attached to a board in groupings of 2, 5 or 10. And we chose shiny jewels (no brained for my fancy girl), in heart groupings of 10.

The process of assembling it was actually really lovely. It was due last Thursday, and last Tuesday night, I happened to still have a bit of energy once Chicklet and Little Man were asleep, so I let Chica sneak downstairs for a little one-on-one time to complete it a day early.

She was ecstatic and charmed to be downstairs with Mama at a time that she deemed “the middle of the night.” Ha.

Love it, and love her.

And, honestly, we probably sped through the project much quicker without siblings around to steal the jewels and burn themselves on the hot glue gun, ha.

She was so proud of the end result, which made me all the more grateful we’d taken a bit of special time to accomplish it. 

Then when Friday rolled around, she got to bring 100 items of something for a snack (we chose Craisens, and dutifully counted them out)—and got to dress up like a 100-year-old (if she so desired).

I bought this wig/glasses set on Amazon to have at-the-ready, and even though she was a bit shy about it, she rocked them both for the first bit of school, and then ditched the wig (but kept the glasses) for the rest of the day. :)

And it’s probably a good idea she ditched the wig anyway, because the other super-fun event for Friday (we just packed all the good stuff into one day!): the jump rope/heart fundraiser!

It’s an annual, school-wide fundraiser that was so fun to join in last year. So I dragged Chicklet and Little Man up to participate again, during Chica’s designated time.

It’s always nice and chaotic and energetic with good, rockin’ music and exercise for the kiddos. And they’re really great about letting younger siblings participate about halfway through—especially for the best part when the lights go out and the jump ropes turn on.

It was really great again this year, and totally capped off a fun Friday of a good week.

More later about some crafting we’ve been doing, and other fun little things.

Until then...Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out.

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