Sunday, February 3, 2019

My Sanity Keepers—Book Recommendations! we go again, winding down (or winding up, whichever way you wanna look at it) for another chaotic and slightly off-kilter week in this weird limbo phase in our lives, and I’m not quite feeling as pumped up and kick-arse as I was feeling last Sunday.


For many reasons (gloomy-ish weather, cranky-ish mood, short-ish, errand-filled weekend, heinous-ish repeated migraines, and crappy-ish potential buyers who cancelled a showing today at the last minute, after I wasted precious time cleaning! Oh well, at least we had a showing yesterday, too.)

Anywho...for all of the reasons above, I’m feeling less than restored going into a new week, but I think there’s one major reason (that ranks higher than all the others) that I don’t feel a little more happy-happy-joy-joy about our weekend in comparison to last. And that is our lack of downtime for entertainment—mainly of the TV variety!

Last weekend, the hubby and I spent some glorious time on both Friday and Saturday night setting everything house/move-related aside, so we could binge watch a fantastic new show (more on that later). And this weekend, time just wasn’t on our side. Too much to do, too little resting of brains. Hence, the lack of restoration.


But before I get all in the weeds of my bad mood, I thought I’d save myself (and you, by proxy) from the doom and gloom by sharing some of the diverting reads I have been able to enjoy, of late.

And, trust me when I say (er, type) that reading is my lifeline.

As most peeps who know me are aware, reading is everything to me, in terms of mental sanity and me time. I read every, single night, and could not function without carving out this time for myself. It’s worth every minute spent not sleeping, so I always adore passing on any good finds that have crossed my path, and I’ve had a particularly prolific run of really great books lately!

Drumroll, puh-lease...

Young Adult With Depth:

This one is my first every book recommendation I got from another book, ha.

Characters in something else I was reading had an enthusiastic convo about it, and I was just too intrigued to pass it up—especially after I looked up its high Goodreads ratings. And, boy, am I glad I dove in. Amazeballs.

It’s officially young adult, but deals with some very deep subject matter—how traumatic life events can shape lives and relationships, and draw these two, sort-of-broken characters together—but it’s done with such heart. And depth. And humor, actually. Plenty of laughter amidst the really well-written story. And the main man (hehe, that sounds funny) of the book is, in fact, as swoon worthy as the characters in that other book claimed he was (that was a really convoluted sentence, but I think you catch my drift.)

Romantic Comedy:

Now, this next one was actually quite different in tone. And I didn’t get the recommendation from another book, but rather, by seeing it everywhere about a month ago (shocker, due to the title). And, look, even Reese recommends it. ;)

In the acknowledgements at the end of the book, the author admitted that she wanted it to feel like some of our favorite holiday movies (Love Actually, The Holiday), and that it totally spot on. It’s full of warm fuzzies and the glorious frustration of tracking with two people who are meant to be together but cursed by awful timing. Light and fluffy and fun—but also grounded in wonderful writing. And perfect for this time of year while it’s still winter!

Young Adult Fantasy:

Okay, now this one falls in the category of Books I’ve Been Waiting On For Ages (but in reality, like a year). It’s the second in a planned trilogy, and after I read the first book nearly a year ago, I almost threw my e-reader across the room when I realized I was going to have to wait so long for the next one.

I mean, seriously, people. I read bunches (and bunches), and this one was so intoxicating. It’s so dark and broody and delicious. Fairies who are kind of evil and wily—especially to humans—and the one, human girl who manages to beat them all (most of the time), and snag the interest of someone with a lot o’ power. It’ll suck you in. Promise.

From One Of My All-Time Faves:

Okay, it’s really really hard for me to ever list some of my all-time favorite books when asked.

I mean...genre?? Time of year??? Mood you’re in??? You can’t just ask me to chose!!!! 


If I had to chose, there’s one book—The Hating Game, by Sally Thorne—that always makes my list, and I’ve read it many times over.

It’s so funny it makes me snort laugh (like, actually snort; I once woke up the hubby while I was reading late at night), the characters are so real I want to be their friends, badly, and it’s all so swoon-worthy, I literally cry and then giggle girly-laugh at the glorious, angsty-longing of some parts.

And, of course, the author had only written that one book...until now. Her looooooong awaited second novel just came out last week, and I’m days from starting it, and already, I know I will lurv it. I have mucho faith.

And lastly, in my entertaining-things-that-have-helped-my-sanity-in-the-last-couple-of-weeks post...

This book is one I read and adored about six years ago:

Fun fact: it was the very first book I read post Chica’s birth—and also, the first book I downloaded and read on my brand new Nook, when I finally caved and used one, and felt like a total traitor (it was just too hard to hold Chica’s teeny, tiny newborn body and snuggle properly during her nap time, while holding a giant book like this one!

Also. Can we just take a moment to remember the gloriousness of holding my babies during nap times and snuggling and reading???? Sooooo grateful I ignored anybody in the world who told me that would spoil them and turn them into terrible sleepers. It didn’t. And every moment was priceless.)


The book was wonderful.

And all these years later, they’ve turned it into a TV series—and that’s what the hubby and I binge-watched last weekend, and it was amazeballs.

We were both totally into it, the casting was fabulous, the European locations were sigh-worthy, and it was such a lovely bit of escapist fun.

I’ve been peddling it to anybody who will watch (bless you, as always, Godmother Lisa, for diving right in, so I can swoon with my favorite buddy—besides the hubby, who is far too pragmatic, ha), and I actually picked up the book to refresh myself on one tiny thing, and now I’m full-on reading the entire thing again, and it’s delighting me to no end. I’m enjoying it even more now than I did the first time!

Oh, and I’m also re-watching my favorite bits of the show. ;)

So there you have it.

Some happy-happy, joy-joy to remind myself of all the escapist entertainment that helps me from getting all Debbie Downer these days.

(Except, boooooo, for the fourth migraine of my week that’s just begun as I’ve typed this! I am not a fan of this time of year, when I always seem to have more than I usually do. Curse you, changing light and climate.)

Okay, more mañana with pics of my kiddos and our fun Friday before the not-as-fun weekend.

And heeeere’s hoping for an attitude reboot and some sunshine this week!

Over and out.

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