Wednesday, February 13, 2019

My Puny Valentines

Well, m’peeps.

If I had to break down our weeks of this yucky Daddy-working-in-another-city business, it would go something like this:
  • Week 1: pretty terrible
  • Week 2: pretty sick and terrible
  • Week 3: much better!
  • Week 4: still better, whew!
But now, in Week 5, I’m sorry to report that we’re tanking again. :(

Despite a solid weekend of family time/down time/productive time, I just didn’t have the best mental mojo heading into the start of the week. And I’m 99.9% sure it was due to a sense of foreboding that my kiddos’ health would take a turn for the worse again. Booooooo.

Basically, everyone was a little less-than-100% on Sunday. So we missed church—again—and stayed in for pretty much the duration of a very cold, rainy, dreary day. Until we had to take Daddy to the airport. (Another booooooo.)

It was pajamas all the time, all the time, and television out the wazoo.

But, oh, the snuggles. :)

But we made it through Monday fairly in tact, and I tried to give myself a pep-talk heading into Tuesday.

But yesterday afternoon, Chica walked out of school and promptly burst into tears over not feeling well—again. And within an hour of being home, vomited all over the kitchen floor. (Again, with the boooooo.)

It’s just been a rough, hard-to-diagnose virus for her that’s ebbed and flowed for nearly eight days now, and she’s not the only one amongst her little school friends suffering from it. And these germs just keep holding on!

Basically, I kept her close to me overnight, and home today, just to let her mentally and physically regroup a bit. But it wasn’t the easiest sick day, due to a chunk of time we had to be out of the house this afternoon (more on that and other house updates in another post).

So by the time we were decorating her little Valentine box tonight in high (but maybe delusional) hopes that she’ll be able to go to school tomorrow, she was just puny, puny, puny. :(

Though, let’s face it, she was puny all day—even during some coloring. 

I’m not gonna lie: it’s been a bit hard on me to try and balance all of the responsibilities on my plate, of late.

I mean, how can I remain nurturing and sympathetic to my sick kiddos when we logistically have to proceed with selling this house, and there’s not much to do about it—even when we have to be out of it at wildly inconvenient times?

How do we take care of all of the errands and appointments and phone calls and ordering and planning and estimates that need to happen in order to proceed with a move in little more than three weeks, without stripping all of the fun and play from our days?

And how the heck can I alleviate the guilt of all the mother-loving dang tv that the kiddos are watching while they’re sick and I’m occupied???


It’s just not the most fun phase o’ life we’ve encountered.

But we’re trucking along as best we can.

And this, too, shall pass!

The good thing is that there’s lots o’ fun and happy happening amidst the chaos and guilt and tv-watching. And we’ve made great strides with the sale of this house (halleluiah; and more on that later.)

And, most importantly, despite my guilt and the insanely long to-do lists of each and every day, I don’t think any of that busyness is filtering through my kiddos’ little brains. At least, not too much. They’re so adaptable and happy to go with the flow.

When they’re healthy, ha.

So here’s hoping everyone is healthy for Valentine’s tomorrow, or the day might get a bit tricky, since I’m responsible for Chicklet’s class party, and helping out with Chica’s, and really don’t want to drag sick kiddos anywhere they don’t want/need to go!

Oh, and enjoy this ridiculously heart-warming card that Chica made for me at school on Monday.

Happy(ish) Hump Day, peeps!

More mañana.

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