Monday, March 25, 2019

Attacking—I Mean, Meeting—People

Oh. My. Stinking. Goodness.

There’s not a part of my body that doesn’t hurt at the moment.

And I should (but don’t) have the calves and booty of a twenty-year-old at this point, for all the stairs I’ve been climbing—whilst holding heavy boxes.

I mean...up and down, and up and down, and bend and squat and lift and lower. Moving is not for the faint of heart, and I’m pretty sure I’m not any good at it.

But...onward and upward!

And while I still have some energy (well, not really, but let’s fake it ‘til we make it, yes??), I’ll share one of my areas of focus during the past week:

Meeting people.

And by “meeting,” I pretty much mean vigorously and enthusiastically attacking anyone who will give me the time of day.

I’ve been quite successful at hanging out in the front yard yard with the kiddos and literally chasing down anybody on a walk, stroll or jaunt.

I have no shame.

And then, yesterday, we had the good fortune of a perfectly timed opening ceremony for a new playground and gathering area within the neighborhood. we went!

In case these pics don’t shout it clearly enough—my kiddos had a blast. And it’s becoming increasingly clear (in our short, one week of living here, ha) that they’re going to be outdoor babies, as much as humanly possible. Happy, happy, joy, joy to explore the wild open as much as I’ll let them. 

But beyond the fun outdoors time, the event was definitely a winner to attend because...Chica happened upon one of her new little classmates. Who lives right down the street!

Again, I have no shame, demanding phone numbers, forcing introductions, and basically being a total crazy person and clinger. (“Hello, little girl I’ve never met. Can you take me to your mother, right now?” There’s really no non-creepy way to go about that, ha).

But you do what you gotta do, right??

And, honestly, a handful of the people I’ve met are also new to the area, and seem pretty grateful to have somebody attacking them for a chat, instead of just passing with a friendly wave.

So...more attacking—I mean, meeting—in our future!

And more mañana about lots o’ things (if I have the energy!).

Over and out.

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