Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Library Shenanigans part of my move-on-with-new-life plan, we went exploring today. And our destination of choice was an always-dependable resource, no matter the city.

The public library!

And, of course, we did it in style. :) ‘Cause there’s really nothing cuter than a fairy and a Spider-Man headed to the public library, hehe.

We timed our arrival to coincide with a story time they were hosting in a separate room. But Little Man was a little nervous to join in, so we explored the main area of the library instead, and lucked out with two spots at some educational computers. 

We spent half an hour or so there, and then browsed the digital catalogue for Spider-Man books (all checked out!). Since Chica missed the outing while she was at school, we selected a fun cheetah family book that I know she’ll lurv, and then she can join in next time.

Then Chicklet begged to go back to the story time room, and of course, we’d missed the reading, but we were still able to join in on the frisbee project and enjoy some sensory toys (a fun rice bin that’s loads easier than sand and has me thinking about applications at home!).

Then later, after school, we made a lovely trip to Tar-jay for some supplies we needed for Chica’s class field trip tomorrow!

She. Is. PUMPED.

And the other two were pretty happy to buy fresh hats and sunglasses, too, since we currently can’t find (probably still in boxes) our existing hats, and too many pairs of our sunglasses have bit the dust!

Sun’s out, peeps. With a vengeance. So it’s time for the corresponding accessories! ;)

A good day—if a little emotional (lots o’ life changes and little time to process them). 

And now I have sleeping nuggets surrounding me and I’m wondering if 8:06 pm is too early for MY bedtime, and I’m gonna go with a big, fat, NOPE!

Nighty, night, peeps!

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