Tuesday, April 9, 2019

My Little Honey Bunnies

So...obviously, Easter is right around the corner, and despite our life and house craziness, and my corresponding inability to really decorate at the moment, I really don’t want to let this season pass us by!

So I’ve kicked things into high gear and I’m going to try to condense a handful of seasonal activities into a week or so, and we’re going to get our Spring Joy on! Woohoo!

First up...I downloaded this glorious album of wonderful, hilarious, strange, awesomesauce Easter songs (a compilation from 1966 that we grew up enjoying in my household and was just released on iTunes a couple years ago).

It’s been full-on joy and nostalgia, and a riot to introduce my crazies to some of my favorites like “Eggbert The Easter Egg,” and “Easter Parade,” and Chica’s current favorite, “Floppsy, Moppsy, Cottontail and Peter.” Hehe. These songs are strangely addictive and shall be the soundtrack of our lives for the next 10 days or so. Squeeeee.

And they were definitely the soundtrack of our litttle lamb project yesterday afternoon...

Hehe...my little lambs making their little lambs. 

Why we can’t manage to do these projects at the playroom table is a mystery to me. Probably because Chicklet keeps stealing the chairs to make her “creations” and then forbids anyone to touch them, ha.

And someone I know repurposed lamb stickers for fingernails, ha. And look how much better she’s feeling!

And someone else I know got a little distracted slinging his spiderwebs. ;)

So...Easter songs??


Easter project? 


Next up...Easter clothes shopping!

Today, after school, I had a whim to take care of a return I needed to make at a mall that’s not exactly close to us, but not exactly far. So I decided to head straight there and take care of the errand—but more importantly, to take care of Easter shopping!

In past years, I’ve spent hilarious oodles of time perusing adorable kiddo clothing options and plotting family color schemes. But the kiddos definitely have fashion opinions these days, so I literally took them the children’s section at a department store and left it wide open for their selections and let them go nuts.

And lemme tell ya—it was pure joy (and chaos).

I have one (Chica) overtly girly girl.

I have another (Chicklet) secretly girly girl.

And another (one guess as to who), who is vastly uninterested in any clothing without superheroes on it, ha.

Seriously a hilarious joy and insight into their preferences. 

And, man, were we hot and tired by the time we battled the heinous SA traffic on the way home.

But still. I’ve been trying to give myself an attitude adjustment the past two days because life is just so dang difficult at the moment, but I don’t want to have the attitude associated with it anymore!

Another week or two of house stuff, and then maybe we’ll feel a bit more settled.

Here’s hopping—I mean, hoping. ;)

Over and out.

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