Monday, May 6, 2019

A Little Sidewalk Flair, we were at Tar-jay after school (for the gazillionth time in the past week, I might add), when Chicklet saw and begged for a giant box o’ sidewalk chalk.

And since I was weak...

And since we colored through our last pack last summer...

And since I, myself, had grabbed a couple of unnecessary but fabulous things throughout the store...

I caved and the giant box came home.

And we had the absolute loveliest hour (yes, full, uninterrupted—except for a visit with neighbors) hour of playing and drawing before more rain came in.

Fun fact about our new casa: we sort of have three driveway areas, ha.

The first is the standard driveway to the right of the house, that leads back toward the garage.

The second, is a semi-circular front drive.

And the third—weird bonus—driveway is to the left of the property, and I didn’t even realize it was officially within our property lines until I looked at our survey. It leads straight back to the entrance to the nature preserve, but it’s lovely and secluded with no fear of kiddos running into the street. And it’s, hilariously, the only non-pebbled driveway on our property (including the back patio), so thank goodness it was perfect, because it was the only moderate flat drawing surface!

So grateful for this low-key time with my babies.

We always seem to kick off our weeks in a positive frame of mind, but we get progressively angsty as the days progress, ha.

So here’s hoping we can keep up the happy spirits longer this week!

Over and out.

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