Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Chicklet’s First Lost Tooth!

Oh my heavens, my baby girl, my second born beautiful, beloved nugget, lost her first tooth today!!!

I seriously can’t believe it! all began about a month ago, when my trio was in the bath tub, and Chica was talking about losing her first tooth, shortly after she turned five. At the time, she was so convinced that the magical fifth birthday equaled loosing a tooth. And she was hilariously right, hehe.

She was relaying the story to Chicklet, and then giving her an impromptu dental exam, when—lo and behold—they discovered a loose tooth! Crazy!

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and the bugger was getting really loose, and the adult tooth was getting really high up behind the baby tooth. So we took a trip to the dentist, who reported all was well, and the adult tooth would shift forward just as soon as that wiggly baby tooth got out of the way. We didn’t want a second layer of teeth back there! Oye.

Just today, I was looking at these beautiful, happy shots of Daddy home for lunch on a rainy day, and thinking about how much space was down there in a Chicklet’s bottom middle tooth area—‘cause the tooth was so darn wiggly!

I mean lookie here—it was practically sideways after lunch!

Well, fast forward to early evening, after school pick up and errands, and an early early bird dinner at 4:30 p.m. (my kiddos were hilariously ravenous and I was tired of the snacking), when I snapped this adorable shot of them all lounging on our finally-functional sectional (and, hellooo, beautiful, potted fig plant back there; you are new, and I lurv you). 

Not five minutes after this shot, Chicklet stood up from the couch and started hollering, hehe.

The tooth had finally fallen out. :)

And we all were ecstatic!

Can’t believe this beautiful, lively girl o’ mine is growing so old. I about sobbed yesterday when I completed the last of her kindergarten registration for the Fall.

Where does time go???


In other first news...

We finally, finally have a functioning oven, and we celebrated as I promised Chica two months ago, when we moved into mass chaos: with a batch of giant cookies, as our very first bake. :)

More on house progress at a later time.

For now—happy tooth day, and hopefully more tomorrow about the zoo trip I still haven’t shared, and a fun project from today.

Over and out, peeps.

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