Thursday, June 27, 2019

Chicklet’s 7th Birthday!

Oh my heavens, am I emotional tonight.

Like, tear duct waterworks in the house, peeps. I just can’t stop.

And while I’ll fully admit that today, I’m having a bit of a tough day for a whole host of reasons that are mostly centered around all of our major life changes of late (but I’ll save that bag of fun for another day), I have no doubt that a contributing factor to my weepiness is the fact that my beautiful, beloved, firstborn child turned seven years old today.



I’s just not right.

Except it’s perfect.

She’s perfect.

And I love her to bits and pieces and bits (lingering fever and germs and all).

I must say, it’s not at all ideal to be sick for your birthday. And yet, Chica’s yuckiness afforded me the sweetest opportunity to deliver early birthday wishes just after midnight, last night.

She’d woken restless and crying a bit, in need of another dose of meds, and I totally took that chance to go snuggle for a few and spill the beans that it was officially her birthday.

And lemme tell ya—that news helped way more than the Motrin to brighten her disposition, and it was so, dang, sweet to whisper a bit of her birth story before tucking her back in for bed with a giant, loving smile on her face.

She was still a bit puny today, and we had to stick close to home, but I think the worst has passed and we’ll be able to have our family fun activity this weekend. :) 

And I’m happy to report that, despite having to pull together a bit of a tough birthday theme request (Wild Kratts, a show we lurv but that doesn’t have much birthday decor available to purchase, ha), it seemed to be a major hit with all the kiddos!

I turned it into a bit of a combined safari/animal theme (if you’ve never heard of the show, it’s about two brothers who go on creature adventures, and it’s a blast), and the costumes and gear was a huge load of fun all day long for my trio.

Those are “creature power vests” they’re wearing. And the best bit is inserting a “creature power disc” in the front of the vest to turn yourself into an animal of your choosing. ;) All part of the fun of the show—woohoo!

Chica totally hoarded (but also shared) those discs all, dang day—along with her Black Widow figurine she’d asked for, hehe.

I don’t know how it happened this way, but it’s really become a major way to make the day happy for all when all three kiddos can somehow be involved in the birthday gifting or costuming or adventure of our choosing. 

And the birthday kiddo never seems to resent the full family participation. If anything, it just ratchets up the fun, and the non-birthday kiddos are generally pretty sweet about making sure the attention stays on the right person. :)

Sadly, my sweet birthday girl wasn’t up for our traditional cake-for-breakfast routine, but she was so dang gracious to let her brother and sissy have some anyway. And then we settled in to watch—you guessed it—Wild Kratts with all our gear. :)

Definitely the lowest-key, but possibly sweetest and snuggliest birthday we’ve celebrated to date.

And, of course, no birthday is complete without Daddy’s lovely arrival at the end of the workday.

He’s golden and goofy and wonderful. :)

Love my seven year old like mad, and I’m sooooooo grateful she’s mine.

Germs and all.


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